Thursday, May 19, 2011

ARIZONA.... on the roads and with lovely folks

the sacred Red Rocks
Arizona and the folks here
are fantastic!
I met up with cuz Angie
in Phoenix
and from there we've been on the road
after checking in the hotel in Phoenix
catching up with each other
the next morning
we hit the road
and the Red Rocks...
Made even greater to share
with cuz as she has never experienced them before, and she was in awe
of the sacredness of all.
We spent the day
and saw as much as possible
I took her to that most remarkable
Chapel of the Holy Cross
built right there in those
Red Rocks.
It was as spectacular as
the last time
and the
feeling that one finds of peace
is awe inspiring.
We sat in that chapel
we lit candles
each of us
for those we love
and we sat
in quiet reflection.
There were no words needed
Creator knows the words of the heart.
We took pictures
we shared our love and our time together as though it was the only time we have ever known
there are no words
for the sacredness
the moments
we have spent
We Are Blessed Women
together on this journey.
Of course we did find the time to hit the shops of Sedona
yes of course we managed to find treasures that only one would find
We've laughed much
of course
we've heard updates
from COB aka "sitter of the boyz" back in
oh my I so hope that she survives a 9 and 16 year old and that they do not tie her up in a closet while their Mom is in Arizona!
We also
found our way to the
Vortex they talk about in Sedona
all I can tell you is this:
you can feel the change of energy
if you are open to receive it
it is remarkable!
Clouds of splendor on our way back to Phoenix
after a brilliant sunset
and then
a MOON AS FULL AND BIG as the earth itself!

Speaking to a great group yesterday in Phoenix on Compassion Fatigue was wonderful,
they were wonderful
they day was a blessing!
\Thank you Phoenix/
I hope to return to you someday!
Take best care of YOU
I enjoyed our time together...
It is your mission
\to relax\

On the Road after Phoenix
we arrived at the
Best Western "Plus"
shortly after
I had the honor
to meet three of
Mesa's finest!

cuz Angie did!!!

Just kidding!
Sitting outside the room, rather worn out from the day, I saw two police officers down the hall outside at a room looking rather "official" knocking on a door... and then an officer walking toward them, but coming "toward me". He spoke and commented on what a "good day it was". I replied that yes it was a good day, or at least "for me a good day"!
He continued on his way, and then I saw all three of them "enter police like" into the room but come out empty!
They then approached and we visited a bit; they were enjoyable and asked if I had seen anyone leave or enter the room down the hall!
Unfortunately, or fortunately
we had just arrived
so had seen nothing or no one!
Cuz had gone to McDonalds for her fix of iced tea
so she missed everything!
There ya go,
excitement already here in Mesa
and I haven't even spoken here yet
at least I know who the finest is if I should need them.
At least I do meet the finest it seems no matter what state I travel in!!!
So my friends
so happy to know
that the
Landon Korabek first annual Memorial Jamfest
was a grand success in Palm Harbor!
Thanks to those here that went and showed their support, and blessings to all
who stand for and with each other
Together we are a strong band
with the Universal Energy to reach across the States and countries to hold, help and heal.
We will continue to stand
with and for Laura
MS run
we are on you.
There are strong warriors here
with the protection and guidance of powerful angels
here and in the next place
who watch over all.

Let us hear from you, what you are doing
how you are doing.
The sage is fired up, with hope on the winds, with thoughts to all who enter here
know you are thought of often and fondly
May the Creator bless you
the rainbow always touch your shoulder
Walk in Beauty
that is the HOPE in Healing Heartaches


Anonymous said...

wow.. here I am still awake from wednesday,
and thanks for the update of your travels. Sure sounds like an awesome place, Sedona, I can feel the energy just by looking at the pic.. happy to hear you are having a great time, and surely are making the "finest" lasting impression on all who have been blessed to hear you speak. I am also very happy to hear about the huge success for the "one love" festival for Landon. Sorry to have missed it, been quite under the weather and laying low .. my energy zapped.. I sent my wishes to my angel to stop by and listen to some Bob Marley tunes.... ♥ ♥... not much of anything going on, days of beautiful breezes and summer blue skies,
time flying by, " don't blink ".. and the week is just about over already.
Sending my best to all who visit here, still my fave way to end my day...
Enjoy. enjoy.. each day remaining on your trip and
know you are surrounded in spirit by all of us whom
treasure your wisdom and friendship..
( keep out of mischief.. heehee)
Thanks for taking the time to keep us posted !
sign me, yep, hugging my angels,
appreciating life and keeping it simple...
A ♥

Anonymous said...

Slugging back a quick cup of java and ready ot head out to work, glad to have been able to make time to read the bog before I start my day. So glad that this leg of your journey istreating you well. Enjoy and as always, we appreciate the trip updates. Feels like we are right there with you!

Irene M said...

Ah ! SEDONA......... the magical place. So nice to hear of your whereabouts, company, happenings and finest encounters. DYS is all I can say. Your words soothe yet bring flowing tears. I can smell the sage while
drinking my morning coffee, listening to the birds, watching the palms blow in the blue skies of Fla . in the 53 degrees it is this AM
Enjoy Sherry, stay safe and keep talkin'
EyeScream stayin' FIRM

Anonymous said...

Thank you today for your words and sharing your trip with us. I would love to be there now but reading about it and sharing with you is good. I have beeen to the red rocks of Arizona many years ago and think of the beauty and awesomness of that area of our great nation. I think of the three people who were with me on that trip who have now gone on to their final home and I miss them greatly. Sherry, you are a Blessing to so many. May your words today speak to those hearts that need to hear. Have a wonderful and Blessed day everyone who meets here and stay safe and well. A♥ my prayers for you that you feel better today. Sandy♥

Anonymous said...

Good Morning to you and your Cuz. Sedona will never be the same with 2 awesome ladies strutting their stuff. I bet the laughter is flowing and the stories being told of yesterday. Wish I could be a little mouse listening to all of those stories and reliving the past. I am sure you are remembering the ones gone before you as you look at the beautiful skies and visiting the Chapel sitting in the rocks. Reminding me and bringing back the memories of my trip to the little Chapel. It is so awesome sitting there between those rocks. The peace you feel when you go in the Chapel and just sit and let God take over, I will always remember the wonderful times. We are so glad to hear of your many traveling and the message you are bringing to all who gather around you. Keep on meeting the finest men and women in blue. They truly are our heroes. We are remembering our service men and women and hoping soon they shall return to their families. Blessings to all.

Irene M said...

In case the R A P T U R E hits tomorrow,
nice knowing y'all, happy times, soothing words and loving thoughts to everyone.
Hope Dr. SES is having the time of her life.
I am sure she will catch us all up soon.
Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee FIRM

chris said...

I'm going to keep this short and sweet--have a wonderful weekend to all. The weather has been absolutely perfect lately and I intend to enjoy every minute of it. Speaking of the rapture--did anyone stop and think that a mere mortal figured out the timing? I thought that was up to the one upstairs!
by the way, am I the only one who had trouble posting this week? I know the Doc had problems, but I couldn't go into the last post and post on any day. Oh well happy weekend everyone.

IRENE M said...

SUNDAY and we are all still here !!!!!!
Counting my blessings today and enjoying good
health. Till tomorrow, I am melted ice cream
struggling to stay FIRM in hot, steamy Florida

Anonymous said...

Happy Tuesday everyone♥ Just stopped by to see if we had an update so thought I would say hello anyway and wish each of you a Blessed and Happy day. Miss you Dr. Sherry and I look forward to hearing more about your good times while away out west. Be safe and well everyone