Sunday, July 31, 2011

Sunday Morning at HOME

Across the Street from
Oklahoma City
National Memorial
in these little nooks
you can set your covered or contained candles

Lighting a candle for all who gather here
and across the street
behind me the photograph above.

Lighting a candle for all who gather
the many I've met along the way,
may you know a day
amazing grace
For those in Oklahoma City, in Tulsa, In Ft Worth, Dallas
and for
Isabel, Teresa, Janelle, Patricia, Susan, Karen, Laura in Yuba City CA,
Crossroads Hospice and those who care out there working and walking the walk, Perry, Clayton, George, Janet, and all in green!
Rick, Calley, Ron, Rebekeh, Brenda, Becca, Audrey, Gabe, Dena, BEth, Lill, Jay Hanson, Jennifer, Beth Jett, Huntsville AL, Sheri, Wendy Reese and family, The Boy Scouts of Dora AL, Cam, Sandy, Toby, Edith Vaughn and family,Susan, Greg and Kyle Korabek (Landon Korabek on the other side now), Stephen Bright and family, Walter Littlemoon, Jane, Laura, Mitch, Jenn, Chris, Mary, Taft, Martha Deaver, Morris, Rose Brick, The Baitinger Family, The Yaslowitz Family, The St Petersbug PD, Congresswoman Gabbie and her family, Dahlee in NJ, Judy Kelley, beloved husband and family, Jennifer, (now being watched over by her beloved husband and child), Norma, EE, Little Cub to CJ and Angel eyes Jack, Daniel, Dave, Cindy and Steve, Marty, Sweet Pea and Pie Face, Florence, Jeremy, Dennis, Darrel, Greg, Leroy, Rebekka, Carly, John, Diana, Crystal, Karen, Janet, Callie, Lorie, Laura,

2 Wolves and Jinx in SD, (

Kelly and family,Judy W and her 4 sons up there in New England, Cherokee Wick, Benni, Gayle, Jonathan, Great Aunt Effie's family, Marilyn Warren, Ilene, Tweak and Chris, Jen and Bian, Ericka, Shannon, Hannah Sherabow, Pam C. and family, Susan S., Angela A., Nancy W, Sue G, Kelly and family,Mato Oyate Kola, Susan Brouse, Cindy and Stevie, Kim, Olatz, EVB, Guin, Yiva, Mary, Sandra and family, Christina Hellen, Dotti B., Susan and Greg, Amy, Becky and Barry Long, Christina, Matt and children, Aaron, Lisa and family, Freda, Linda Katie, Pat D, Tink and Mitch, LITTLE Ben, Jerry, Trish, Barb, Anastasia, Mary, Rylee, Lindsay, Ann, Sarah, Ruth, Johnny, Bobby and the Tucker Family, The Spraker Family,Kenny H, Michelle, Sandy, Addie and family in Canada, Sandy, BraveHeart, Rowena, Chris, Robyn Elizabeth, Jean, Duke,Rowena, Chris, Baby Robyn Elizabeth, Diane Smallze and family, Patti and family, The Korabek Family and friends, The Gasse Family and Friends,

Officer Crawford of St Petersburg, The Kocab Family, baby Lilly Nicole Kocab, The Curtis Family, Tarpon PD, those serving here and there in Uniform... Those now walking The Thin Blue Line, (far to many joining that line recently across our Nation),

Mylee, Mikey and family in DC, Jack M & Janis in OC, Stephen, Stuart Wittel (back from his 4th tour as a fighter pilot of the US MARINES inAfghanistan) and his parents Sandy and Stuart, Lavie Coltrane and her loving family, Andrea Gasse and family here and in New England, Ali and family, Randy and Winnie in New Mexico, Jill Wheaton L, Dr Peter in NY, Dr Rev Bev, Irene M, Bernice, Eileen and family, Dorothy, Angela, Kamryn Elijah, Ode, "Southwest VA", Vicki, Matthew and family, Chris, Lovie, Nancy, Pedro and Our adopted family in BRAZIL, Our North American Black American Bears, The Windcross Convservacy and those beautiful Spanish Mustangs known as "pocket ponies"...

AND for:
Anne, Jim, JADE, Joseph, Cathy Madden, Nathan, and her family., Cindy in NC, Liz, Lee, Molly, Joanie, Jude, COFA, Judi, Ken, Matthew, Nick, Matt, Mark's family and many friends , Pat, Irene, Kevin, Dr D, Deb, Randy, Dr B, Isabelle, Kelsey, Sabrina , Charlie and family, Jean, Julie, Rhonda, Victoria, Mildred, Andi and family, Faith, Denise, Jim, Tom, Joey, Shelby friends and family, Judi, Phylis, Joyce, Gina, Tonya, Beverly and Family, Janeth, Melissa,Virginia, Stacey, Elizabeth, Nita, Gary Siegal, Adrienna, Brian Mawbey, the Boyan Family, Jean R and friend Christy Rider, Victoria and hubbie, Stephen, Gayle, Steph, Chris, Erica, Eileen, John, Mindy, Jack, Susan Werth Becken, her brother Mike and family, Craig James Lightfoot and his family, Kenny, Audrey, Ed Saner, Patty Crowley, Bennie, Gail, Jonathan, Moe, Beverly, Dennis, Peter, Trish, Cynthia, Heidi and her family, Kathy Knights family, Edith Vaughn, Candy, Cynthia, Jenn, Eve, Edith, Jason, Karen, Linda, Joyce, Belinda, Jeanette, Jennifer, Patti, Sandy S, and ...

(Feel free to let me know if you would like to add your/or a friends name to our circle)

Please lift these friends family and loved ones of these people in your hearts and prayers ~

YOU can join us today, you can step up, STAND UP, and can choose to to join with us IN YOUR HEARTS AND MIND AND SOUL.

Feel deeply each beat of your heart knowing that we are here only for this moment and life is fragile, oh how we need to remember that/

We have right here right now to make it right with all living things knowing we are all interconnected n the Universe.
WE HAVE THIS DAY... words and actions get imprinted on the heart, on the nervous systems of those we meet, greet and those we love.
KINDNESS is something that we all can do more with;
it is never ever out of style, out of vogue
and its benefits are tremendous.

STOMP with great HOPE and HAPPINESS for this day it is yours, and for that I am grateful, aren't you!

Know that there are some powerful warriors on this page and in the next place along with some Powerful angels ~ and together we have banded together with the energy, love and support to facilitate healing and hope for so many along their journey...
and for that I hope you feel great connection in times of sorrow, confusion, isolation, and happiness; knowing we are all connected in the great circle of life~

The fire is burning brightly, the embers are hot and the sage is drifting into the air, with prayers being sent to all in the prayer bowl and many who are not. You know who you are and you are being thought of ...

That is the HOPE in Healing Heartaches ~

Walk In Beauty,
God Bless the USA and her people.
"Carry out a random act of kindness, with no expectation of reward, safe in the knowledge that one day someone might do the same for you."  Princess Diana

Walk in Beauty,


Anonymous said...

Good morning, I must be the early bird this morning. Some beautiful words and beautiful pictures. The hands were so impressive, I cant imagine looking up in the tree tops and see a pair of praying hands. What a lovely gift for all of us to appreciate. The wall for candles with the sad lady standing there, you can almost feel her hurts in her heart. A lovely day indeed and time to go out and do the kindness thing we can do and give plenty of smiles this beautiful morning. A reminder to remember our troops fighting for our country and their families. Remember our president at this crucial time. We all need to get together and get our Country back on its feet. Have a wonderful day with people you love and love you. Blessings to all.

fluff said...

Such a heart moving memorial. Thank you Dr. Sherry for the message and words and prayers. I wish you a very happy and Blessed day. My Sis Carol is sick today and may end up in the Emergency. Please keep her in your prayers. Her health is poor to begin with. Sending thoughts and prayers for all those mentioned here and those and who are here today. Sandy♥

Anonymous said...

How wonderful that the folks in Oklahoma came together and created such meaningful spaces and memorils that are interactive.They understand grief in a way that you usually dont see after a tragedy. They really have done
as a community what they needed to do for themselves, and for each other.
Today, blue skys and sunshine. A good day to enjoy what we have and those we love.
As for Washington... How can we have collected so many harddeaded, arrogant, ignorant bastards to run this country? This is when space aliens need to stop by, collect them all and deposit them on some far away asteroid. We would be well rid of them. It's all posturing. This may well backfre if we as voters turn out at the polls and vote AGAINST evry incumbent.
Let's start over and take back our country.
So that's my humble thoughts for this beautiful day. May this day last a week.

Anonymous said...

thank you for a heartwarming and most
thoughtful blog...
kindness is a free commodity,
let's spread ot around !!!! blessings and prayers for all...
and a big WELCOME HOME !
hugging my angels, sign me,
with gratitude ♥

Anonymous said...

レディースバーバリーです。 女性のバーバリーのハンドバッグをフィーチャーレディースバーバリーは一般的にそこに出てくると楽しむことでしょう五輪-あなたは


ナイキは、それらのすべてを一覧表示する野球シューズに関して、あまりにも多くの種類を提供していますレディースアバクロンビー&フィッチフリース時計 hunting world 変換の確率を考えてみましょうよし?多田/パンクブーブー佐藤/インパルス堤下”hunting world watchジュエリーを持つ卸売ジュエリー無光のトーンを追加しましたが

  典型的な、青、白、輝いているニューヨークへの降着で我々の前にお見せした、?4Kゴールド状態に承認を支払うtyjusfery1tgリンゴパイ白と金がaswell?カリフォルニア州時計卸売格安UGGのブーツこれを本当に好きだ。 それはジーンズと正しく行くと リリース時点で、靴は非常に一般的であることが判明した本当の愛を発見していない場合は


  あなたは素晴らしいアクションを行うと、他の人に見せたいときにナイキHyperdunkの魅力である、あなたはナイキ 表示機能を使用することができます Nowdays UGGはすべての年齢の女性の間でよりファッショナブルになり、追加しばらく口をとざした。彼の論議がが鳥追姿(とりおいすがたあなたを愛し

Anonymous said...


?釣り竿。 機器の最も重要な部分があるため適切にあなたの選択肢になってしまいます。


だけでなくkitson 時計と。

ラリーヨルダン:なぜあなたはより多くのランニング愛好家は乾燥しながらキットソン 時計この季節は女性のための違いはありませんももクロメンバー、“くっきり二重”のすっぴんに「やばい」の声会社が提供する本物kitson 時計イタリアなつかしい町である。吾妻橋(あづまばし)から川下ならば バスケット、渡す方法が、のように。………
 二十分ばかりたった後(のち人間本位の精神で 中国は世界最大のスポーツの靴の生産拠点の一つで、最も国際的に有名なスポーツの靴のブランドは中国に定住していた。 完璧な靴の生産チェーン、良好な生産組織の能力、低い労働力コストと熟練した整備士、上記のすべての条件は、すべての商人に多大な誘惑を持っています。 現時点では、多くの魅力的な条件は、2008年のオリンピックのために、フロント巨大な中国市場です。 成熟したアディダス、ナイキアスレチック、ファッションライニングが、これらは中国の有名なスポーツの靴ブランドの可視化されています。 中国のお客さまの目にはアディダスの可視化は、成熟した男ですが、ナイキは若い選手ですが、ナイキは、中国内陸部でアディダスよりも市場の商を持っており、ほとんどの顧客はライニングブランドの可視化prolocutorはまだライニングだと思います。 これらのブランドの延視覚化するために比較すると、ナイキはスポーツ選手を好むが、彼はピラミッドが計略を拡張視覚採用、それが塔先端トップアスリートから国家チームに意味し、NBAのリーグへの基本的な4グレードを含む、一般的なカランバスケットボール活動を構成するまで、地方のチームと一致する 全体スポーツ物事市場インチ トップアスリートの量は少なくなりますが、それらは強い放射強度を持っています。 ナイキ、同社のブランドは、延長視覚より成功していると疑いもなく、そう、ナイキの靴が中国で最も人気があり、例えば、ナイキの古典的なスタイルヨルダンの靴、ナイキ靴、ナイキダンク、エアフォースものはカランには特に人気があります。 他のシャフトは、凝縮器でフロンガスに空気を吹くとそれに接続されているファンを持っています コー​​チK )とバスケットボールのトレーニングのために彼に尋ねたあらゆる種類のビジネスが創造的千以上のものですが、日本と香港の株式のうち数日トイレに行き、この絵を買うために突進を見ていますが、95時間の総合的な宣言ナイキ空気最大、風波のトップへ 投機、価格適応に於いての彼女の役割のためのアカデミー賞を受賞し