Thursday, June 20, 2013

Fire and Rain

Colorado is burning... wildfires that are out of control are spreading now throughout the state. We've also heard where fires are burning wild in California, Utah and Arizona. 
Thousands of homes, people, animals in harms way as infernos are topping the mountain trees, as people are packing the necessities nervously awaiting the news they need to leave their precious belongings and homes.
In little communities the able bodied, the disabled are feeling the effects of smoke, of tension that has their bodies tight, their nerves frayed, their core being on alert.
News of "Not contained", news of "Not enough resources, not enough Firefighters" keeps flooding the televisions and news feeds.
Last night a little church was emptied after a woman arrived breathless to let others know of the announcement to evacuate homes of those there as the sun set looking like a ball of fire. The smoke billowing for miles, the air thick with smoke making many cover their mouths running to their homes turning on the news. More fires had ignited in those precious mountains and it was moving quickly.  Emergency plans had to be thought of with minds that were now under fear, under siege of "what if and how will I"... 

Real threat for those who have worked hard to have what they have, others who live small to those who live tall. All at risk of losing it if the flames come too close, the smoke too thick, now being told to turn off the A/C in 90 degree heat while waiting for word. Waiting for the news to tell them the obvious. "Stay inside, breathing smoke is hazardous, do not exert energy outside today."

The day before our official day of summers' beginning and the heat is on in those states under extreme heat, fire, raw nerves. Many without resources to leave their home finding hotels out of harms way, many wanting to stay where they are protecting their sanctuary known as home.

Still others sit wondering why they have not heard from loved ones, from friends. Surely those from a distance have heard the news yet the phone is not ringing with the concerns of others, the very real amazement that this is happening to someone known and cared about. Minds are sending shock waves to systems already taxed, already burdened with fear, with the unknown, the uncertainties of fire.

Scary is a word that seems to not do justice to the pictures of such devastation as we see, the people strong yet strong cannot contain fires with this magnitude. Images that hurt your heart, that sear your soul as those on scene are using each breath to fight something bigger than they could imagine in so many places. People on oxygen who still are having trouble breathing ... those at home confined to power chairs, hospital beds now fearing they will have to be on the floor of a shelter, wondering how in the world they will ever handle the physical pain of getting on a floor along with who will be able to get them UP again.  the thousands of winged ones, of crawlers, of 4 leggeds now stuck, or gasping for air, being found motherless and fleeing the inferno that is blazing.  where is the RAIN... where are the black hawks, the military the trained and the firefighters of our Nation. Are they on their way to save those in such dire straits... Oh Creator, send in the troops now. Send in the rain, just the rain.

 Asking all to hold up Colorado, those who are preparing the "bug out bags" now at the ready, yet wonder where they will go. Prayers for those in Arizona, Utah, California... the Responders... Let us find the rain the helpers the ones who will let this burn clean and burn OUT quickly and please let it happen NOW.

Prayers, thoughts, energy being sent to EE and her son as they are now 15 miles from raging fire in Walsenburg CO... along with all who are in harms' way.

Blessings to each of you,
Walk in Beauty,

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