Wednesday, April 23, 2014


Baby Gator
Lake Tarpon

Sure is good to see the sun
after the Thunder Beings
cleansing rains of last evening!

Just a thought:

Sometimes even the most powerful of words
seem lost in the pictures and
actions of others don't they?

I think of some of the great photos I've been able to capture and enjoy sharing here
of the sights AND people watching that I so enjoy...
it reminds me that even as much as I love words
their power
and intention behind them
it is so true
"a picture is worth a thousand words"
I can't help but be reminded
that sometimes
our daily movements
are misinterpreted by others
as we move into our days
depending on what we have on our minds
at the time.
Those movements
can be seen as
"flighty", "angry", "giddy", sassy"
or just plain out
but oh for the love of words
even if at times they may
they may be found to be
powerful and sharp like a knife
or harsh
they also can carry profound healing
and messages of love and wonderment
just a photograph
that takes your breath away
makes you think
"oh my"
like that baby
just knowing
if there is a baby gator
just laying there
in the canal's edge
there must be a big ole Mama Gator
somewhere nearby!
"Words mean more than what is set down on paper. It takes the human voice to infuse them with deeper meaning." Maya Angelou

So then,beauty
is all around us
whether the swimming ones, the winged ones
the four leggeds
two leggeds
if we approach it and all in the circle with
great respect, tenderness and
we can all just get along real fine!
The music is there for you
you must find your own steps
for the dance
and be willing
to risk the steps involved
with that said
this day
enough said!

Enjoy this day,
embrace it
dance on friends
and notice
that words are powerful
as are actions
are the photos of your minds' eye
Enjoy!  Something to chew on today!

After months and months of planning... it's time to board that big plane and head back to the great state of OKLAHOMA! I am honored to be speaking to the Pittsburg Co. Child Abuse Task Force and hundreds of Professionals that put in some hard work with those that need them most in McAlester Oklahoma! McAlester is in Choctaw Nation and I am honored. Yakoke! Our children have some strong advocates there, who are seeing and doing remarkable work.  Not everyone can do what they are doing.... I hope to remind them of that. WE MUST STOP ABUSE!

*thanks for the continued vibes, prayers and thoughts... I'm upright, and oh boy does that feel better, still improving!*  Take best care of YOU out there!

Walk In Beauty,

1 comment:

Dot/Mom/Cob said...

Well, well, well and they say there are no alligators in Lake Tarpon?? Ha I knew it and now I know I will not be swimming in Lake Tarpon again. Cant believe you would put that picture up. hee. Fly off to Oklahoma but hurry back home, we will miss you and wish you the best. I know Oklahoma will be a better place for your visit and your great knowledge. Thank you for your words of wisdom. Blessings to all.