Thursday, October 29, 2009


I woke up this morning after knowing that I had been visited by Spirit. The messages had me unsettled first thing... ah, but I don't like waking up like that to be sure. I much prefer these visits to have wonderful messages of happiness, messages of good things... you know? But oh no, not today; today someone is hurting. Is it grief I wonder out-loud to the four-leggeds that are ever so happy to celebrate my rising?
After morning rituals, and coffee I open emails and begin to start my day, and it begins....
Emails of what spirit has tried to tell me. Emails of our friend grief playing havoc with a few; emails of physical challenge with others. And so it is... Spirit was letting me know of what is and the challenges become what to do with all of this information! The Cherokee have a saying of "just sit with it" and the answer will come.
We often face challenges, are visited and re-visited by grief. Particularly at this time of the year. I am convinced that as we lose the light and head into the holidays these feelings are intensified for some. By the way, DON'T FORGET TO FALL BACK THIS WEEKEND! You will gain an hour, isn't that good news!!!
Try to remember, most people that you will see in a regular day are facing some type of struggle, some kind of challenge in their world. This may be a good time to watch that movie, "Pay It Forward" and remind yourself of the power that can be found in random acts of kindness. It also may be a lovely time to make that phone call to someone for no other reason than to "touch base" and say hello. These small acts of kindness can reach far into the hearts of many during times of heartaches and facilitate healing. It takes so little to do so much for others at times. While giving of ourselves we can move beyond "self" and feel good at the same time.
Back to Spirit messages... and those who are facing illness, challenge, new beginnings, movement, change, grief. Change is the only real constant in the world, but oh how we fight it!
It is time to "dig a little deeper in the well of hope, the well of faith" and claim your warrior within. It is time to reach out and "ask for what you need" and rally the tribe around you for added support as you go through this.. It is your time to know that you are "a survivor" and that you are never alone.
It is time to know that your voice has been heard, your thoughts that were sent to spirit got there... After all, I woke up this morning and had received the message, even before I opened the trusty ole' computer! And my friends, it was loud and clear! And I say to you, the spirits in it and spirit is with you. The world and all that are in it are in transition and many are hurting, changing, going through similar challenges. Kindness and understanding will never go out of style. I whet my breath and sent a message of healing to all today, won't you join me?
"It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare; it is because we do not dare that they are difficult" (Seneca)
Walk In Beauty

1 comment:

Janeth said...

Thank you for today's post. I needed to be reminded of my "Warrior within" JUST now... Love.