Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Landon Korabek OneLove Jamfest May 11, 2013

the reason?
Three years ago today, a young boy was found laying in his bed by his dad, Greg Korabek. He was dead as a result of an accidental overdose of prescription drugs following a party with some friends the night before.
He returned home the night before seeming fine, had a great conversation with his Dad before going to bed; just like any other night. He was not a druggie, not a bad kid; just a kid who made a bad choice that night with his pals having a good time.
What followed is at times still a blur as his Mom came running from the kitchen where the smell of bacon is what prompted Greg and Susan Korabek to go and check on him in the first place. He did love some bacon.
His beloved Dad tried CPR, they tried shaking him as 911 was called and rescue arrived. Everything that could have been done was done and hours later in the ER he was pronounced dead.
All because he was having a good time, he was as most teens are (invincible) and then someone thought it ok to pass around the prescription drugs at the party and his naive system could not handle it and just shut down after he got home and relaxed.
A stupid choice turned deadly, lives forever changed.
A family, friends, and so many left to wonder why, how, and if they could ever move from that horror and into the light of living again.
And they have; differently than ever before through work, music and the ever loving spirit of connections.
soul connections and spirit speak that is Universal as the drum beat of humanity.
From horror they have moved into advocacy and into the knowing that nothing works unless they do; and the work through grief is hell at times, scary at others and healing can be done.
Through founding the Annual Landon Korabek Jamfest they have involved a community, they have relied on music to soothe and heal the soul.
And people have responded, the community has said absolutely with donations of things to raffle, to auction to provide a space to celebrate the healing and the light while honoring a young life that made a bad choice in hopes that others will never make the same mistake.
Monies raised from this event will be given to the Ruth Eckerd Hall for scholarships to young people who want to pursue music; Landon was a gifted guitarist, a fierce player and lover of music.  Monies donated will be then given to an organization known as N.O.P.E [Narcotics overdose prevention and Education] to assist with programs, in education in the communities with the hope and goal of saving lives.
Susan Korabek has spoken to many in the community to teens, parents, educators as a huge photograph of Landon and others who have died sit on the stage staring into the audience; she has told her story repeatedly, each time is hard time as she looks into the eyes of kids and adults keeping it real.
Describing a good boy, a good son who was given a strong foundation to build on and who came home and talked to his Dad like any other night and then went to bed and never woke up.
This Saturday many many people will gather
at the Thirsty Marlin in Palm Harbor; it will be standing room only at times as the music plays, as people dance and fill the jars with tickets with hopes to win the many and varied things that have been donated for this cause.
There will be many who know each other from last year; many who are there filled with fear for and about their own loved ones and their use of prescription drugs, their own losses being dealt with, their own stories.
There will be times when the emotions run high, when tears flow, when laughter fills the air and when healing of such magnitude is felt that it takes the breath away.
One Love will be played and hearts will stop and remember Landon throughout the day;
his song, the Korabek's healing song and healing path from once being shattered to now being whole again differently having built their own stain glass windows to view their world.          

The back of Greg's shirt last year took my breath away, as I read it more than once, knowing them has been one of the greatest painful pleasures of my life. Oh yes, I will be there to kick off the event, another honor as we celebrate a life gone too soon, but a life that stands for the greater good in our world as his parents now move to the beat of the drum in One Love to educate, to enrich and to touch so many along the way, with right way relations through the music, through hope in healing.
 YOU can help; you can donate to the cause, order a T-shirt or send them some love... they will ship to you wherever you are.  Send up some thoughts in One Love this Saturday for the Korabek/Shram family as we gather with the motto of "Let's get together and be alright"!
Let them I know I sent ya, and order those fabulous shirts with the new design this year as we raise money for the next musicians out there and to educate and raise awareness for N.O.P.E
"Let's get together and feel alright" whether you are local or far way... We are all connected.

Today, we remember Landon Korabek, three years gone too soon... Send them a sign today Landon that you are with them as they put the finishing touches on this year's event and hold them close... Parents that have to bury their children need that constant remembering that they are working hard to adjust and to do things differently than they ever imagined... yet their is light and their is great hope in healing ways.

Walk in Beauty,

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