Friday, June 20, 2014

Friday Freestylin, just grin into it

Friday, Friday, it's time to get your week-end started! With an attitude of great gratitude, here we are on the eve of the summer solstice, the official beginning of summer as we move into the weekend. Are you ready for some summer?

I do believe once again that time is just running faster than ever, now meaning that the days are shorter if I am correct, and heaven knows I am not ready for that! Slow down... everyone, time is running too fast as it is.

Do you remember when things seemed kinder, time seemed slower, energy levels seemed higher and the good times lasted longer?  Seems that is getting lost with this fast time zooming past. Even with the light lasting longer, time just rushes by faster than a heart beat, leaving us to wonder, "how did the time go so quickly".

Remember when? Do you?

 As we move on into a freestyle of Friday, I hope many will realize that worrying, complaining, talking about the same ole same ole' and trying to remember if the story has changed or the results have changed has been worth it since the last time, the last year... 

Freestylin' might just be the best way to roll, as we enter into Friday, knowing that our lives are the most precious gift, our steps ours to take, our thoughts and our actions ours to own... the impression and impact we leave on another will live in their hearts long after we walk away... 

What we worry about today, will take away from the joys that are sitting right there for our pleasure and enjoyments, and rich moments.

Do you remember when? 

We all wanted so badly to grow up... what in the world were we thinkin... that was when time seemed linger, when hangin' out never ended, when it seemed so easy.
I miss back then.
Where bbq's fired up and the music played loud.... folks gathered, or not, but times seemed easier even though things were hard.

When folks seemed kinder, when doors could be unlocked, when street lights were street lights and folks lent a hand no matter what or where. When little kids didn't go missing, where prescription drugs weren't killin folks, and synthetic drugs weren't thought of yet... where Americans stood, and when death happened the community rallied. When a hearse drove by, cars pulled over and stood beside them to demonstrate respect and loss.

Folks have to find their own freestylin' ways to care, to find their joy, their way to balance.

Let is go, let peace in while respecting others again. Find rituals again, hear the music again, listen for laughter and join in again. It's time to take back time, to savor it, to taste it even when it's bittersweet, it's rich, it's alive, it's for those who are alive to be the legacy of all who have gone before them.

Let's go... freestylin' into this weekend of summer like never before.

Move your ass!


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