Saturday, June 21, 2014

Hello Summer Solstice!

Summer Solstice June 21, 2014,  the longest day of the year! Hello the official first day of summertime, and the celebrations will begin for so many as we welcome it in. I cannot imagine but some are already complaining about the heat of summer, when it seems like yesterday all we heard was "bring on summer, I am freezing"!

Many will celebrate the light... oh the brightest and longest of light overcoming the darkness. There will be festivals, celebrations, bonfires, and great music. Pagans, non-Pagans, the world is alive in the light of the Summer Solstice! Joyful noise is in store for this day of light...

Folks around the world will celebrate this day, will just be thrilled with this day in a mystical way, in a sacred way, in fun ways as well.

It is a day of great light, love, joy... it is the longest day of the year.  Put your "hips in it", enjoy it, reap the blessings that are yours, and have the best of times here on this day, the first day of summer!

 May you feel the light within, as the light around you shines brightly...  Make some waves, ride the waves, BE THE WAVES as you absorb the light... the light that surrounds you, in all that you are and all that you do, on this the summer solstice of 2014~

And so it is!Many blessings to each and to all!

Happy Summer....

 Last one in is a rottenegg....LOL

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