Tuesday, June 1, 2010



June 01 still dark, coffee hot, coffee smells good...
Coffee is YUMMY great!
Today starts the official beginning of
 HURRICANE season here in Florida ~
and that being said...
 that is all I am going to give to that topic...
no feedin that energy, but I will share with you, when folks are out buying their supplies...
I have learned that the #1 supply purchased is Beer! LOL
nope, not goin to go there with feedin ole storm energy.

Now how bout' our American Eagle folks?
See those talons?
That pride?
Ready for a new month?

HOW was your week-end?
Were you with the thousands in Washington D.C.?
Were you a part of "Rolling Thunder"?
Were you in a small town parade; "in it" or "watching it"?
Were you out on the water, up in the mountains?
Did you "fire up" the grill?

Whatever it was, wherever you were,
in more ways than you can count!

Mom is doing well after they cut a big chunk outa her leg! Spent a day as she said with 1000 channels on her TV and nothing great to watch... up and out to the chair with ice on leg without making her bed! For her that is a big
Mom said watching "Rolling Thunder" roll through gave her just the dose of WARRIOR SPIRIT for that doctor visit and a smile in her heart as well... she knew exactly where they were headed, knew exactly in her heart and mind what it was going to look like...
When here visiting it's like a 5 star resort... all beds made by the Mom... love that!
Awful when she leaves though...

Hope everyone had a spectacular gather for Memorial Day, pray that all who have loved ones fighting for us were able to make contact and hear those voices that they long for and mostly pray our men and women get home safely and soundly and quickly.

So back to that ever watchful Eagle... took that picture on Sunday out there on beautiful Lake Tarpon here in Florida. A fantastic day with great friends (family of choice), great music, and several outstanding flips from the bow of the boat! It was the "best day ever".

Many many conversations of Memorial day, old memories shared of the many Memorial days in DC, and my ride with Rolling THunder... the sounds, the energy,
The Fallen Hero's, POWS/MIA ...
We talked about friends, family, MS, angels, spirit, fear, vs. scare, empowerment, Granny, Mom, the boyz, Tink and DB's family, 
 and the struggles of life, loss, grief and healing ways!
We talked about times when even
 "Warriors and Cowgirls get the blues"
 and we laughed ...
We laughed til our sides and our faces hurt!
You name it we talked about it.
There were some comical, incredible, remarkable, and even some "board" totin' unblievable moments that still boggle the mind.
Dr Yamaha and a 4-stroke therapist is quite  remarkable!
 ~ What happens on Lake Tarpon Stays on Lake Tarpon ~
should be a bumper sticker... that's all I'm sayin!

And that Eagle listened and watched it all.
And then she took flight... and OMG...
We were filled with amazing grace and gratitude and we watched and we STOMPED right there on the boat!
And that Eagle soared right over our heads, not once, not twice but three times... and then over the span of the Lake only to then return to where you see her in the picture... right back to where she had been, right back to oversee our day, to watch over us.
And what a day it was... A day for us ~


I share a great many thoughts of totems, of spirit here... Seems Eagle was sharing much with us on Lake Tarpon...
Eagle has great meaning to me and has for many a year. Eagle spirit is powerful indeed!

Eagle Totem is a  great reminder of your own ability to soar to great heights where the view is more than just average! The keen view is one that allows you to see more than the regular Joe if you will.

Not just a National treasure, and National Bird, Eagles are messengers from heaven and are the representation of the spirit of the sun.

Those with an Eagle totem need to have an strong connection with creation;
a willingness to experience extremes (dancing on the edge of the roof comes to mind);
a willingness to use your ability even if it means getting "scorched" a little as you fly high (fearless comes to mind);
a willingness to seek out your true emotions (stepping out of self comes to mind).

 A demanding totem, but one that offers so much reward at the end of the journey.
Its four-toed feet remind you to stay grounded even went soaring high;
Its talons remind you to grasp the things of the earth (while reminding others to ...)LOL;
Its sharp beak shows you when to speak, how much, and how strongly.

Eagle will show you possibilities and how to ride the winds to your benefit, oh oh you should have seen her soar!
Eagle people can live in the realm of the spirit yet still remain connected and balanced within the realm of the Earth.
You must become much more than you ever dreamed possible ~

Well now the embers are HOT, the fire is burning and thoughts are being sent on the winds... Healing thoughts, powerful thoughts to those who know who they are...
Need a reminder?

Those men and women and service animals serving this great country of ours, those who have served, their families and those who have died serving... my gratitude and prayers as well as those who are on this page to you and yours ~

Dr Lyn Rogers, Sue Mansfield, and the NABC, and all who assisted out there in Ely MN,

Thanks to Dr Lyn and Sue: Lily The Black Bear and Baby HOPE are staying close and lovin each other as only Mom and cubbie will ever do ~


Prayers, thoughts and giggles on the wind to:

Jill, Chris, Vicki, Cindy in NC, Cindy C, Laura, Mitch and family, Liz, Lee, Molly, Joanie, Jude, COFA,Judi, Matthew, Matt, Mark's family and many friends , Andrea, Jimmy, Marie and family up in New England, Pat, Dorothy, Angela, Elijah, Ode, Linda M, "Southwest VA", Irene, Kevin, Dr D, Deb, Randy, Dr P and family, Charlie and family, Booker, Bernice, Jean, Julie, Rhonda, Victoria, Mildred, Andi and family, Irene, Faith, Denise, Jim, Tom, Joey, Shelby friends and family, Judi, Phylis, Monica, Luci, Brandon, Joyce, Gina, 2 time Cancer survivor Tonya, Beverly and Family, Janeth, Melissa, Pam, Virginia, Stacey, Sara Cook 2 time Cancer Survivor, Kevin Edward Belevich and his Pops Jack Phelan, Elizabeth, Nita, 

Gary Siegal,from Mafia Wars who died suddenly Brian Mawbey, of Mafia Wars who died after a long fight with Cancer... Both Warriors, now dancing with the Ancestors. Please hold the friends and family of these men in your hearts and prayers as they begin that long and uncertain journey through grief.
Sending thoughts on the gentle breeze along the smoke from the lanai... We are with you, warpaint on... May you find comfort in knowing you are not alone... we are always with you, on the wind that touches your face ... it is us... We are here along with some powerful angels...


Wherever you are and whatever you are doing... STOMP, Stand UP, own the day, make it yours...
Soar on my friends ~ ~ ~ on the wings of the Eagle ~
Do something for someone else today... Step out of YOU and watch how quickly you will fill up your soul when you do ~

Walk in Beauty ~ It is then you will "Fly"
author of
Healing Heartaches, Stories of Loss and LIFE

{{{bought your copies yet of the book yet?}}}
I hear it's pretty good!


Anonymous said...

Eagle photo too awesomw for words doc. Thanks for kickin off June with the utube, your thoughts and the music. To all who gather here, be well, stay strong, know that we are sending you thoughts and gentle prayers. STOMP into June

Anonymous said...

I hope everyone is back safe from their holiday celebrations. Jump in and let us know how you are. All good here. I've already got my tan on and am off to work. Must do something wonderful this week to thank my AMAZING staff for all they do. Join me in saying thank you to those that make your life better because of their contributions. You will be glad you did, I promise.

Anonymous said...

The Eagle, our beautiful bears, and Willie Nelson too. You go doc! Loved the upbeat feeling from the blog today. Am ready for a good rowdy week. Heard Willie cut off his briads. What's up with the new do? What an amazing musician. Clearly amoung the greats of our time. Best day to all.

Anonymous said...

STOMP, STOMP, STOMP, You go Willie and sing all about those Angels. Blog, great, what a awesome picture of the Eagle. As they flew over you, they were protecting you and your family. They were also soaring high for the many veterans and their families. A tragic sight on the TV yesterday showing a 22yr. old solidier in Walter Reed Hospital, he had died 4 times while in the war. He lost both arms and both legs. They are going to do arm transplants and he was so happy and he promised he would walk again and his greatest wish was to be able to still hug. What a great inspiration to all of us and what a challenge for him. The Angels was there for him. Hope all had a safe Memorial day with plenty of hotdogs and hamburgers. My friend said she did not want to see anymore hotdogs for quiet a while. Bless the troops and bless Rolling Thunder and keep them safe as they return home. Blessings to all

IRENE said...

I'm B A C K !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Great photo of the eagle, Doc, great blog,
read back a few days, nice tributes.
Been to Siesta Key, been to Palmetto, been
to the Skyway Pier, oh, the beauty of our
West Coast !! Paused to thank Memorial Day
Vets, here and gone. JUNE is a good month,
yes, I worry constantly about hurricane season,
but will buy some alcohol and supplies.
Take care, all, have a good one and keep on
stompin ' FIRM

Anonymous said...

I never worry about what I cannot control Irene. Why worry? Instead, be smart and prepare with your supplies, relax. What will be will be in the weather department. Nothing you can do to change what Mother Nature creates in this instance. Don't waste one moment dwelling on worry. Make a safe plan. We have weathered many hurricaine seasons here in Fl, and will face this one too. Be well.

chris said...

Hi everyone, I too am bacccckkk!To COB--take care of the leg and stop worrying about the beds. You're only going to mess it up again! It's OK to let it go. Take care of yourself.Dear Irene, there aint much you can do about the hurricanes--why worry--just have supplies in stock and live! STOMP!!
'Talk to ya all tomorrow"
PS> Thank God they didn't make the turkey the national bird--The eagle is so majestic-and the picture is beautiful.

Anonymous said...

HELLO... once again I'm late..
better late than never...Had to stop in to say WADU for the beautiful eagle pic, smart one
to stay high and away from the boat antics
Feels like the weekend flew right by,
almost hump day already...STOMP. STOMP.
May we all have an angelblessed and stress free