Monday, May 31, 2010


Memorial Day
Thank You

Good morning everyone! Good morning ME!
Ready for more information on Memorial day?
REady or not... here ya go!

Washington DC will have sounded like the thunder beings having a celebration yesterday. Rolling Thunder and thousands upon thousands will have stopped, have STOMPED, will have prayed and remembered the fallen, the missing..

And then they will have remembered that life is to live and to embrace each other in the moment, and the moment is NOW...
Let us treat each moment just like it is our last...
                            cos' it all goes by so so fast ~

Did ya know that to help re-educate and remind Americans of the true meaning of Memorial Day, the "National Moment of Remembrance" resolution was passed on Dec 2000 which asks that at 3 p.m. local time, for all Americans "To voluntarily and informally observe in their own way a Moment of remembrance and respect, pausing from whatever they are doing for a moment of silence or listening to 'Taps."

The Moment of Remembrance may just be a step in the right direction in returning the meaning back to the day. .
Those are our real heroes, those men and women who have served our Nation; who have stepped out of their comfort zone, out of their everyday lives, their families and taken an oath to defend and protect our country.

Now there are many who say that what  may be needed to return the solemn, and even sacred, spirit back to Memorial Day is for a return to its traditional day of observance.
They are the ones who feel that when Congress made the day into a three-day weekend in with the National Holiday Act of 1971, it made it all the easier for people to be distracted from the spirit and meaning of the day. Not sure I agree with that, particularly given that folks have to drive so far to get to each other; drive so far to get to DC and drive so far for Rolling Thunder to Roll in from across the country. . . did I mention drive so far???

On January 19, 1999 Senator Inouye introduced a bill which proposes to restore the traditional day of observance of Memorial Day back to May 30th instead of "the last Monday in May". On April 19, 1999 Representative Gibbons introduced the bill to the House (H.R. 1474). The bills were referred the Committee on the Judiciary and the Committee on Government Reform.

Most of the events of Memorial day have taken place yesterday... most have been televised or can now be seen on youtube...
today folks are returning home... putting away the folding chairs, the grills and the extra stuff they had to have out for company. Boats are being cleaned from the outings of the week-end; sunburns are being tended too. Memories are being shared by pictures, phone calls, hopefully many got to speak to their loved ones fighting over seas and around the land...

And at Arlington Cemetery and the Vietnam Veterans Memorial... I would venture a guess that the cars are backed up with people trying to get in, trying to find a parking place (uh good luck with that one)... with people walking those sacred grounds, with flags flying at each cross, with notes at the wall...
Visits being made, prayers of missing and of gratitude across the vast and beautiful and most sacred grounds of honoring today. 
Pictures being taken for scrapbooks, facebook, twitter and such...
And the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

... yes, rain, shine, sleet, snow... it will be protected by the Nations' finest. They will walk in perfection 24/7 and people will sit and watch; some lost in thought, some in awe, but many in deep gratitude of hearts full of pride to live in a country free because of the brave.

Blessings to you and yours today and always.
The fire is burning and its embers are hot ...
Thoughts on the wind to all who you have seen mentioned here....
and to our Fallen Hero's as we remember them.

Blessings to Rolling Thunder..... may you continue to Roll ~


Walk IN Beauty,
author of
Healing Heartaches, Stories of Loss and Life


Anonymous said...

Beautiful Memorial Day tribute. Sobering view of the Viet Nam Wall. Amazing number of bikes involved in Rolling Thunder. Everyday Americans who have never let America forget our POWs and MIAs. The changing of the gaurd is a extremely impressive ceremony. Wish every American could visit Washington DC for this weekend. Makes you proud to be an American. Sad, but proud.

Anonymous said...

I will say it again... STOMP... this page is unlike any page called a "blog" that I have ever read, seen, or experienced... A sacred page to be certain... Thanks Doc from a grateful reader... Hey c'mon where is everyone? Oh right, on holiday? LOL
I am proud to be an American and thank you for the time and the heart you give us each day...
Memorial Day and ever day... Count me as one of those you were talking about last month "Lord when all my work is down, bless my life and grant me one... old friend, at least one old friend" I would be honored to be coundted as one of those friends! Thanks doc and all who enter here.

Anonymous said...

No haparades today? Well, hell, I just get out there and start one! Hope everyone has a good day and is remembering our servie men and women around the world, and here at home. Past and present.

Cindy C said...

I looked this up because I was curious - Interesting history about how the tomb of the unknown soldier came to be.

Anonymous said...

Roll on Rolling Thunder we love you and appreciate you. The soldiers and veterans one and all are in my thoughts and prayers today and everyday. Each night when I say my prayers I pray the War will end and the soldiers will be reunited with their families. I used to take my daughter to the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and if you havent been there you must go. It is a most heart rendering scene and one you will always remember. Wished the President would have been there today to lay the wreath. In todays time I think it would have been a tribute to all of the service men and to the World.

Anonymous said...

Great blog again today !
Last night there was a concert
broadcasted on PBS..
"National Memorial Day " concert...
It was so moving,,, the statistics quoted
on the loss if so many lives.... I was left
speechless, tears streaming... the
patriotic music was incredible !
Great job in getting the message across...
Have a safe and peaceful, thoughtful day
to all!