Sunday, February 21, 2010


Healing Heartaches Inspired!
Jewelry by Joan

Just sitting here thinking of all life's blessings, all those who are doing such wonderful things since Healing Heartaches came to them... Joan is out there being inspired and creating beautiful jewelry!
A woman in NC has finally found her healing pathway through beginning a book club at her local Borders and calling it, "Healing Heartaches"! She has let me know that the manager is possibly going to stock the shelves there as well, and wanting posters to put up! Well Linda, the posters for Healing Heartaches are on their way to you this week, and I wish you much success and am so happy that you have found your healing ways, your path... if Healing Heartaches had something to do with that, I am honored. Walk In Beauty in all that you are!
Sometimes it comes over us like a burst of light, a moment of magic, a ray of hope... it is during those special times that many realize some important facts.
There are special places in our lives that live on in and with us forever (sounds like a kitchen table for many!). Just by allowing ourselves to find and to go to those special places and hold memories tender make them alive within us, make us believe in the power of us again, allow us to dream, give us strength to be all that we dare.
It is then that we know we can "defy gravity" we will fail to fall and fail to fail!
We can feel the wetness of the purifying rains/snows and the comfort of the warmth of the sun (c'mon sun, warm us now); we catch fragrances that are familiar and soothing and bring us comfort.
Music may remind us of happier times; better times, it may soothe our soul or shake our very core making us dance like no one is watching and not really care if they are!
Certain foods may trigger memories, or we may create new ones as we savor those foods on our tongue finding comfort and joy with each bite as our taste buds delight along with us!
WE can remember, why in the world would we ever want to forget or lose those cherished and special memories, feelings or relationships...
The memories of loved ones will continue to influence our lives, our thoughts about the world and those who treated or cared for them at the end of their lives. We will remember how we were treated after their deaths, the support we did or didn't receive...  The most important thing to remember about that is: YOU ARE A SURVIVOR and may have survived in spite of how you were treated~

Many feel out of control where death/illness is concerned. Heaven knows we do not like feeling out of control of anything! Just ask someone who has to relinquish a remote control for an evening... ask someone who is without their car and stuck at home for a day... we like control, we need control. Illness and death take those controls away; feelings of loss and grief are feelings that sometimes leave us like a helpless child with no control and that is a hard one to cope with.
We can however control our feelings, our thoughts and how we react to most situations and thoughts. We may control choose what memories we keep and what memories we choose to let go of.
We may not be able to "see the wind", "see the best smelling flower", BUT we can feel it, we can smell it, we can call it to us at will. WE can do these things ~ ~ ~

Grief is challenging, and it painful, it is one of the hardest journey's you will ever take. It will challenge you to find and creative ways to heal, to restore and to find balance, beauty, and to re-invest in life differently than ever before while holding dear those things that are precious. We must assume responsibility of continuing the relationships with loved ones in a healthy, healing way. Our memories are their legacy, talk about them, say their name! Our lives are to be lived to the fullest, striving for bursts of sunshine, happiness, hope, dancing, laughing, and time for honoring and remembering!

Walk In Beauty


Irene said...

What a beautiful preview of Joan's jewelry.
Today's blog really touched a nerve in me.
My senses are keen and you help put into words, just how perceptive and receptive we need to be while healing, grieving and surviving the loss of loved ones.
Once again, thank you Dr. SES for guiding
and helping those of us out there with no road for expression or understanding. YOU KNOW
what WE FEEL and you SAY IT.
Happy Sunday to all.
IceScream ! The sun is out !

Anonymous said...

Control, you are right. We want it , we need to feel our lives are controllable. Are in control. Yet, death does take all that away. But if we were in charge of our loved ones life ending we would probably all choose to keep them here with us. Never let them go. I would choose the same thing. If I try to see always that death is really, as you say, a changing of worlds, not an end, I know that I would not want to deny that next experience for anyone I love. Guess we just "don't know what we don't know. How wise you are. A real teacher. How often I return to thoughts I have read here. It is enlightening, comforting and valadating. Thank You

Linda said...

I have been away from these blogs and away from Borders as I was writing a eulogy and helping plan a memorial service that took place yesterday.
It was a surprise when my cousin announced in front of 100 or so guests that she could have never made it without my love, support, and teachings from "Healing Heartaches." I knew to just let my cousin be. All I had to do was be present and assure her it was okay to do whatever she wanted. I let her know it was okay to play Farmville and Fairyland on Facebook even as we were awaiting her mother's final breathes. Some of us even believe our animal totems come to us in computer garden games like Fairyland. I let her know it was okay to write a really funny and really long eulogy. We are blood and neither of us has the ability to be brief!
I was able to defy gravity in the sense that instead of being upset that I had never been presented with the opportunity to be in any Hospice support groups ~ I DO have the ability to ensure that my cousin will be seeing a Hospice social worker on Tuesday.
It was a huge surprise when my cousin loudly proclaimed that her mother choose to die the very same day that my husband died because so many present there did not pay their respects to my husband. She spoke as honestly as the little girl in the book who piles all the coats in the middle of the floor and tells the guests that it is time to go home.
My cousin is now ready for her own copy of Healing Heartaches...I've been holding on to it until she was ready. I have assured her she could just open to any each page stands alone rich with wisdom.
EVEN MORE SURPRISES: Posters are on their way, jewelry with my favorite stones, and a review that has magically reappeared!
Most importantly, it is time to end so I can go outside and really bask in the sun, really feel it's warmth, walk ever so slowly and delight in every speck of earth, every bird I see, every blade of grass.....perhaps we are all like a slender blade of grass....and it takes many blades of grass to blanket the earth in green. It may be hard to defy gravity everyday....but rejoice when you do!