Wednesday, April 28, 2010


The Kennedy Center
Many a Memory There!
Ready for an Outstanding Day!

Holding Up The Sky, or at least getting ready to! Coffee in hand, four leggeds doing their morning run around the pool. Getting ready to answer all the emails of welcome home from many. I am so richly blessed. Thoughts of Healing Heartaches continue to come in from folks around the country and the fact that they take the time to write and share their thoughts and feelings just fill my soul.

The comments of yesterday were wonderful to read; the thoughts of others made me realize that "how to regarding sad" was spot on...

Sometimes it feels like we are Chicken Little and see that the sky is falling down around us. We know that we must single handedly hold it up. Think about it.

As capable as we each are, being tasked with holding up the sky is a pretty tall order. No wonder we have days when we feel overwhelmed. No one can hold up the whole sky by themselves.
At least not while holding down a job, and hanging onto our dreams, and nurturing our families, putting out the daily fires that spring up and threaten to render all our plans to ashes. We are very strong, we are very smart, we STOMP
through dark days, emotional storms, financial pitfalls, grief, and always land on our feet. So how do we do this day after day after day?

We do it because we must, but also because we believe in our strength; our emotional stamina; our personal power and the support of others who matter. Sometimes we borrow strength from our friends and supporter systems, sometimes we hock our free time to “deal” with everyday issues and crises, and sometimes we sag under the weight of “holding up the sky”.

Remember we must ask for help when we need it. We need no do it alone. If our to do list is too long, take scissor and lop off all the stuff that really can wait, or maybe doesn’t need to even be on the radar screen at all. Reach out to others. Take a day off from work and chores and meeting the needs of those around you. Nurture yourself. Rebuild your reservoir of strength. Self care is not an option. It is a here and now responsibility. We cannot hold up the sky all the time. It’s OK to know that this is true, and it’s OK to abdicate the responsibility periodically. Heck, maybe sometimes it would be good to just let it all come crashing down for a day or two. The big issues will still be there waiting for our resolve, a lot of the small stuff we have mistakenly credited with being way too important will just go away, and we can sort through the rest when we are back on our feet.

While we revel in the power that lies within each of us, we must also acknowledge that sometimes we should slip off the Superwoman/Superman cape and take a long hot soak.

Let the sky hold itself up, or not. At least after we get a serious break we will be rejuvenated and can do a more balanced assessment of the demands that face us.
Decide which ones matter enough to tackle, erase a few from the list, and get a better grip.

Don’t see this as failure to cope. See it as an exercise in self care. A recharging of the batteries. We are not machines. We are people, people who need rest, nourishment, fresh air, time to sniff a rose or two. Time out once in awhile.
So while we STOMP, achieve our own highest potential, find humor in heartaches, battle the ills of society, volunteer in our community, clean, shop, care for loved ones, help with homework, cook, clean, gas up the car, pay the bills, and a thousand other daily tasks, we must also take best care of ourselves. We must sometimes put ourselves first. Indulge in a bit of solitude, soak up some quiet, do something we enjoy, or do nothing at all.

Go on strike for a few days. Eat chocolates. Wear your PJs. Take some shortcuts.

Trust me the work and worry and chores will wait for you. If they could take care of themselves they would.
Let someone else be in charge of holding up the sky once in awhile.
You deserve a break now and then. Employ the “opt out” whenever you feel too stressed, too tired, to spent to do it all and be it all. Give yourself permission to embrace these brief moments in time and address your own needs.
I cannot stress enough, that we MUST take good care of ourselves. Because it is the right thing to do, and because we cannot perform at an optimum level when we are physically or emotionally exhausted.

Pamper yourself when you can. Make the time. You will be glad you did. There is no shame in doing for you what you must do for others everyday.
In fact, reach around and pat yourself on the back every time you do something kind for yourself, every time you pamper yourself. Each time you make it your purpose to restore yourself.
                        YOU ARE WORTH IT.

And yes... the fire is burning this morning, the embers are hot already. Sending love on the wind with thoughts and prayers of HOPE in healing, strength to those fighting the fight, the warpaint is on for Chris, for Jill, for FAITH, for Cindy, for Liz, Lee, Molly, Joanie, Matthew, for 6 year old Shelby and her family and friends, for Laura, and for all the many not named but in thoughts, for the spirit of Jaren who plays on the backs of the dolphins and runs with the Sioux and so many others in spirit land...
To those in "Southwest Virginia" you know who you are... The warpaint is indeed on, the drummers are drumming you HOPE in all that you do, may you find comfort in the arms of the angels and all who visit here; remembering that you are never alone. For that I give thanks, and so it is!

Wherever you are, whatever you are doing...
have a grand time today! Smile at someone ... make them wonder what in the world you are up to with your kindness and gentle spirit.

Laugh with wild abandon, love with intensity...

It is a great day...

Walk In Beauty,
author of
Healing Heartaches, Stories of Loss and Life
visit me and see what others are saying about speaking engagements and the book, order yours while there, or a gift for someone!


Anonymous said...

once again your wisdom and advice are
ENLIGHTENING.... what a great suggestion to
give yourself permission to procrastinate... my strongest asset !
I will heed your advice to the letter today...
Honeymoon island is calling my name, as well as
as the angels... Love to hear my angel sing !
.STOMP into today with a heart full of
HAPPINESS .... have a great day everybody !!

Irene said...

Hi there............ I am late today !
Felt sick from the smell of oil on the GULF,
yesterday. Glad someone went to the beach.
Sherry, your words are GOOD, always, but today
the self care issue, the " let it wait "
fit to the tee.......... Thanks, gotta run
I r e n e

Anonymous said...

Once again you hit it right on the head. I can hold up the sky with one hand most days, butthe kick back and restore, recharge the power source within is timely. Another great visual doc. Love that we can run wide open, at full throttle and then skreetch to a halt and chil out. The big stuff is still there, the little stuff does tend to drop off my list on it's own, and well, most of it is self-made too busy. Thanks for putting it back in perspective. Best to all.