Sunday, May 16, 2010



Sunday morning, coffee is hot... uh oh... what happened to Saturday? Went so quickly it seems! Ah, quiet and lovely morning . . . relax mode... waiting for the energy of the day to buzzzzzz ....
Speaking of Energy...
are you ready for the top three of American Idol??? Oh my can you even imagine American Idol without my Simon Cowell??? Whatever will I do without Simon??? Oh no, I can't even consider that on this beautiful Sunday morning... Let's just leave it at this.. I said from the first night... Crystal is the next American Idol, so I guess we'll just see if America gets it right! LOL That young woman does have a set of pipes to be certain ~

Olivia was a little "bull dog" on that soccer field defending the goal ~ Nope, not a point was made when she was defending the post! And what focus when she kicked that ball I'm thinking... what beautiful form, and energy ... fluidity in motion... that's Nana's girl ...
OK, here I go with the thoughts of the morning...
Adjust your own energy level!

Here’s an eye opener.
We each own the ability to dial up, or down, own energy level. It’s easy, like the volume control on the stereo. Dial it up, turn it down. Just that simple. WOW... and to think, first cup of coffee... Feelin me already??? LOL

Motion is energy. Emotion too often controls energy levels because we let it. Dragging yourself through the day? Ramp up the energy level. Put your body in motion. Step it up. Again we return to the STOMP. DANCE, work it out physically.

You can do it.
If you supercharge the energy you are physically putting out, your mood will follow.
Start slow, build up. After all it is early ~ ~ ~

The more energy you produce, the more energy you will have.

It’s always there, waiting in the toolbox.

Get a little momentum building and you will unleash your own energy, it's right there... WITHIN YOU, you are a Warrior remember?
Running full out all week and need a quiet moment?
Dial it back.
Breath deep, slow it down, reel it back.
              B  R  E  A  T  H  E
B         R        E         A        T          H           E

See how this works?

You are in charge.
                            Own your personal power.
              Choose the energy level you need or want.
 Why on earth would we move through the day without taking advantage of our own ability to govern this momentum?
Put a little pep in your step just because you can.
Peel yourself off the ceiling and quiet yourself because you choose to.
We often think that some external force announces how much energy we wake up with in the morning, or end up with at the close of our day.
Not so, my friends.
We either take a passive stance, and just exist without purposefully identifying our own control, or we own it. Create what we want and need.
                        I will always choose to own it.

Know that emotions are a huge part of all this.
Change your mood, change your energy and you will change your day.
 If you are sad and down, want a lift, start the change with some physical activity or movement.

No, I am not talking about exercise.
And yes, I get that many people feel that they are allergic to “exercise”.
                                 I get that.
Because we often consider exercise to be boring, repetitious and “good for you” in a punitive way. I of course am talking about movement other than structured repetitive drudgery. Here, I am talking about the easy stuff, twirling, dancing, stomping, clapping, beating the drum! Put some sound with it. Chant, or sing, or hum, or stomp. Whatever works for you. Get moving. Move your body and rest your brain.

Call up some energy because you can.
Because you need it, or want it. Ready to move that body from the inside out ~ Are you sure? >>><<<
NOW... ONLY click here is you really want to call up spirit and get the energy moving you this morning ~ ~ ~

This I promise you that this is not rocket science nor will win us a nobel prize.
Hold your head up, put a smile on your face and turn your day around.
Motion reflects emotion, so, if you feel despondent, use your motion to move yourself out of that place.
Crank up the dial.
          Energize yourself!
                     Trust me, your mood will be elevated.
Hard to keep your head and heart down once you get your body really going.

In the reverse, sit quietly to wind down, feel, really feel, each muscle relax. This usually takes a bit longer than ramping it up.
                                         Be still.
           Be really still.
Get your mind quiet by focusing on your body.
I start with my toes. Mostly because they are the most distant from my crazy, busy head, when I find myself mentally hanging onto the knot at the end of my own rope. At any rate, once your toes are relaxed and happy, work on their closest friends, the feet. Then the calves, the rest of the legs, and on up the body. This is a common strategy. The whole process takes time. The time you spend doing this with real concentration is partly why it works.
Lots of practitioners use this to lead us to a relaxed state. The more often we do it, the less time it takes to work our way up to the often too tense shoulders and face. So, again, practice. I find that doing this in a quiet space helps too.

Can’t see getting to this state of utter relaxation while sitting at a traffic light. Oprah will agree with me on this one I just know she will!!!

You may be surprised that once your body is relaxed, once you have physically let the stress go, you can sit quietly, in a relaxed and dreamy state and just enjoy letting your thoughts drift and float about, without your having to work at it. The trick here is to stay on task. If intrusive thoughts jump up, brush them away. They are an old habit. Gently let them go, get back to working one little muscle at a time. If you find that you have dozed off, that’s OK too. A little refreshing nap never hurt anyone.

So whether you need to ramp it up and grab hold of the energy you already have stored deep inside, or you are already so cranked up, you need or want to reel it back in.
You choose. I believe in a persons right to choose...
You pilot your own spaceship. You are powerful. You are already all you need to be.

Be well, be happy, make the right choices.
Make this moment count for you. Get a handle on how you call up your own energy. You are the one with the energy dial. It’s always with you, ever ready to make the necessary adjustments.

OK, speaking of choosing... today I am choosing to hitting the water, the gulf waters are calling ~ ~ ~
yep, goin out on the water ... the day will be filled with energy, need to pack the cooler, get out the lotion, the music . . .
the ... uh... what else is there?  hmmmm... can't think of a thing ... To the boat I go, with a song in my heart, hoping to see the dolphins at play ~ Now that's fluidity in motion if ever there was ~

The thoughts of yesterday were wonderful, were heartfelt, and were as always food for the soul,and appreciated by all. Wado ~ thank you to all ~

The fire is burning its embers are hot, and thoughts are being sent on the wind today to all of you ~*~
Chris I hear you are soon to be coming home! Blessings on the wind to you Warrior!
Jill almost at the top of the pine tree like little HOPE where the view is keen, FIGHT Warrior~ chemo is almost over... Kick Cancer's ass my friend!
Cindy in NC we are with you fighting strong alongside of you ~
Laura yes MS Sucks, we are with you,you are a WARRIOR you are an inspiration to many ~ a dolphin with a broken fin and a painted sky to heal .... my condolences to your family dear one, take best care of you as you~
For all of you who have shared your stories here, thank you, we are always with you, as are your loved ones ~
For those who have asked and those whose names are not here, you know who you are:
Andi and family, Liz, Lee, Molly, Irene,Faith, Denise, Jim, Tom, Joey, Shelby friends and family, Max, Mark, Andrea, Jimmy, Marie and family, Judi, Jude, Matthew, Joanie, Phylis, Monica, Luci, Brandon, Joyce, Cindy C., Gina, Tonya, Rhonda, Beverly and Family, Charlie and Family, Ode, Virginia, Stacey, Elijah, Angela, Dorothy, Linda M., Booker, Bernice, Victoria, and others ~
We are with you, STOMP, you are with some powerful folks here and in the next place, all fighting alongside you, to give you HOPE in healing, strength in the battles you are facing, faith in knowing that we are with you always ~
When you are weary, rest... We will fight for you
When you are restored STAND UP ~`~ STOMP ~`~
We will be there fighting beside you...
We are there always along with the angels beside you ~
May you find comfort in knowing we are always with you.

Walk In Beauty,
author of
Healing Heartaches, Stories of Loss and Life


Irene said...

Ah Sunday, the lazy day, N O T ......
Morning Dr. SES, happy to hear you will feel
the motion of the " ocean " today.
I feel energized and have begun to tear apart
my Florida Room, spring cleaning, you know.
Major cleaning, I'm talking about MUSIC blasting, non-stop. Happy travels to all.
May you STOMP this day into tomorrow.
Chris, won't be long now............. FIRM

Anonymous said...

Good Mornin Sunday. Good Mornin Friends! Dialin down the noise in my head and rampin up the energy in my body. And all this time I thought someone else had the remote control....
Just kidding. I see this when I get a second wind. Dragging arond, think I just can't do one more thing and then something pops into my mind that builds momentum and the energy is right back in full force. Forgot I was exhausted. Love the relaxation thing from toe to head but you are right, takes time and practice. Environment too.I think of it as "body meditating". Can not for the life of me get my head into meditating, but when I get focused on relaxing each muscle, my mind sloooows waaay down without my even thinking about it. Love when that happens.
Good day to all, be it ramped p with excitement and full of energy, or a laze around and restore day.

Anonymous said...

Still ness on a Sunday, ramp it up with Spirit in it ~ STOMP ~ a broken dolphin ~ restored by the painted sky and all is good in God's eyes in time in the messages of the messengers in the precious children... Melissa is her name, I say her name to many and thank you for asking her on this page of those who have walked the walk and share their stories. Love the music DrShowalter it paints your words that fill my heart and the words of so many who enter here for their day. Best of all things to all here lvoe the thoughts alwasy

Angie said...

Good Morning What's that? Today I have NONE. Had tons yesterday but today, I shall REST~~
Wish I was going out on the boat w/ya. I could use some sun right about now! But it won't be that long til I am in the Sunshine State :)
Hope you have a beautiful day and if you are looking for me...I will be the lump in the sofa!!! LOL
Luv Ya

chris said...

Happy Sunday all ramping up the energy level right now---TOMORROW is a big day have lots of things to tell the 'kids' and lots of playing with the grandkids today...(already packed) What a beautiful day it is today makes it hard to leave (NOT)! 'See' ya all tomorrow.....
Have a great day and don't forget-be greatfull for one thing today --it will make you smile!!!!

Vicki said...

Happy Sunday to all..I am late getting here, but I am the night owl!
Hope you have a wonderful day on the water Sherry! Glad you are almost here Chris!!
Happiness to all!!
Blessed Sunday!!

Anonymous said...

hey there, it was certainly a
day at Honeymoon...chilly ,the waters...
REFRESHING to the body and spirit as well
ell joinENERGIZING... the saddened self back to full
volume... dolhins were jumping and dancing
their message...
LIFE WILL GO ON... with or without you...
might as well join in... BEST THANKS AND WISHES
TO ALL... STOMP..STOMP... I am a

Anonymous said...

Boy, oh Boy, what a fierce look for a little one. Sure hope she does not act like that look. STOMP. Great weekend, saw my first hummingbird of the season, first Baltimore Oriole and the blue birds are busy from nest to nest. Glad Cris has her bags packed and ready to STOMP. Another glorious day, peace, quiet, running thru the rain and listening to the rain on a tin roof what else would you want?? Would want my special friend who loved to sit on the porch and listen to the rain for hours. Keep those blogs a comin in. We are here for you and all of the bloggers. SMILE