Friday, November 16, 2012

The Grocery STores are waiting... but the blessings are now

It's fabulous... it's finally FRIDAY... a great and wonderful day to stop off at that store and buy you some BUBBLES... A time to breathe deeply and just blow some bubbles and see whatever you choose in their most remarkable hues as they take to the air and expand your lungs reminding yourself of the awe in your world! The blessings are all within you, all around you, and they are "right here and right now" for you to behold, to laugh/cry/ and make joyful noise as you experience them... as you walk gently or dance into your week-end with ...
Yes, yes and ohhh yes, get you some bubble juice and get enough to keep some in the car, in your pocket and for the office. Use whenever you need to breathe, to refresh, to renew and to celebrate the wonder of you with breath, with glorious joy of all that has ever been, all that is and all that is yet to be. Bubbles are the most wonderful element that will take you immediately to a place that triggers the brain to pleasant moments and is often shared with those that see them.  Traffic jams are a good place that comes immediately to mind! They just may help you to change that station from the news to some good music as well, helping you to switch the channel of the brain from listening to things that make yoiu tense up to one of moving in unison to the beats that soothe you.
It's Friday! Not just any Friday mind you, but the Friday before Thanksgiving and the grocery stores are waiting as are the carts and the many goodies that lay in wait for your hands to pick through them and find just the right things that only YOU want... The essentials in life; chocolate for pie maybe, punkin for pie, or perhaps the one and only special turkey that has your name on it, to make your home smell of the holidays as you set about with plans to prepare the meal of meals for you and or your family. Yes it is soon to be the kick off of the holidays and the groceries and restaurants are hoping that you will "pick me" in your choices for that day of the beginning of the wild ride that will take us through to a New Year...
And oh how folks love to eat! Hours on end will be spent preparing for feasts, for gatherings across the lands, and then lovingly sat on tables... Blessings will be said as many hold hands... Hallmark moments made. And then it is ON>>> Folks will "gobble gobbble gobble" until they are about to burst, and they then will know what that turkey went through to be "stuffed", as they take to couches and recliners to watch football while the clean up crews attack the kitchens! No wonder many make plans for restaurants these days on such a day I think at times!
Ah when I look back at the traditions of long ago held times, the memories and the beauty of the blessings and love shared around kitchen tables. Those were the days and there are so many times, "I miss back then".
Yet the great grace and gratitude stay with me, and with so many I am honored to meet along the journey. While traditions may change, the blessings grow, they build on each other and on the memories and the growth along the path.
WE give thanks to our Ancestors, to our wisdom keepers and to our Creator for the blessings that flow within and around to surround each of us in the Universal Connection of our lives. It is not only on Thanksgiving, yet we are reminded then and we often will use that day as a time to regain balance in our steps. A time of gratitude, a time to set the pace of our steps for each day of our lives beginning with eyes open in the morning and the words of "thanks" before our feet hit the floor.
Have a wicked cool week-end readers and warriors of gentle spirit, as this is your weekend to rest, to enjoy to restore.  Next week-end many will pack and prepare to go and do, trips will be looked forward to, houses will get cleaned for company, the stores will be filled of carts hitting other carts, and folks fighting over birds laying in the meat section one fatter and more perfect than the other...
Be kind to one another, it's goin to be a full moon I hear, and surely that won't help !
Remember you don't need to take your gun to shoot that turkey in the frozen food section of the store (*as tempting as it is, to say you shot your own turkey)*... 
And for those brave and fierce warriors out there, you can always have a steak on the day of Thanksgiving if you are bold enough, it has been done, and it was delicious!
Make time for you this weekend, be bold, be brave, be delicious. Maybe a trip to the mountains, or dip your toes in the sand or the water. Just cos' you can!

Blessings to all, and I wish you enough as you dance into your weekend!

Walk in Beauty
just keepin it real



fluff said...

Ah,Dr. Sherry, very nice and uplifting words today. Yeah ~ It's Friday again!!! I love bubble as all clowns love bubble. Children love bubbles so clowns have many different kinds of bubble making stuff. My cats love bubbles so I always have a bottle by my bed, on my computer desk, in my living room table just to blow those bubbles to watch them float down, the beauty, shiney round and colorful bubble is so very peaceful and lovely and to watch the cats try to get that bubble to pounce on it ha! Gotch Ya! Shiney round thing! ha ha! I have a bubble machine that runs on battery and it blows a Gazillion bubbles in a very short time when I "Fluffee" am outside with children at an event. I even have a few bottles of bubbles already in my car and a 1/2 gallon refill in the trunk for just in case ~ LOL LOL
Yes, Thanksgiving time is a few days away. It will be a good one and we already have a family dinner planned. The first in a few years. I only have to take desert so that is great. I will watch the Detroit Christmas Parade on TV and think about Thanksgivings past. For many years I volunteered at the Parade Company and was in the parade afer all our hard work building the floats and getting them ready for the big Santa arrival day!! Actually, that is where I met my clowns and decided to go to clown school. Good memories. Thanksgiving night we have a shelter fundraiser so I will work a shift there all evening. It will be a nice and memorable day!

Weekend will be another busy one. We are still working with the hording dogs brought to the shelter last week. There were 17 poodles in extremely bad shape. Several have been pulled to Poodle Rescue and a few people have fostered so we still have 9 of the worse cases. Several have had surgery this week due to the deplorable, horrific condition they were in and the horrible care they were under. We expect to receive at least 3 more from this hording house. Plus, we have almost 60 cats and kittens at the time so tonight and tomorrow and Sunday afternoon will be extremely busy shelter days as they were last weekend and early this week. We pray we will find loving, forever homes for some of them very soon.

Take care Dr. Sherry and friends, sorry I got so long winded today. Guess I should be busier here at work. Oh well, it is my break/tea time and it is over so got to run. Four hours to go Yeah! Wishing each of you a Bubbley and Blessed day and weekend. /Sandy♥

Anonymous said...

I loved today's words..
be thankful, memories, traditions and yep, a grilled big steak dinner for us ! We all know the way sadness can creep into our holidays.. traditions which can no longer be due to things we cannot control.. often we may dance on the edges of celebration or sadness.. with each breath I am thankful, grateful, and deep in my heart happy to have the ability and desire to choose my perspective.. I will surely blow bubbles .. they are the best tool in the box to grasp for happiness and serenity.. such gifts of natue and the universe are bestowed on us each day.
We intend to pay it forward this year as well, there is something very heartwarming to be said for sharing a random act of kindness.
Wishing the most relaxing and stress free weekend to all..
best of luck to Fluff in finding homes to all those awesome animals..
Stepping out into the chilled autumn air, and counting my
blessings, thanks Doc for all you
do and all you share...
♥ hugging my angels, ♥
sign me, A.