Wednesday, January 20, 2010


"You know I have a horrible feeling
that song could be a hit"!

I love Simon Cowell... and if he leaves American Idol I fear I will have to find something else to fill that entertainment time in my home! I just love Simon; his wicked statements, his humor, his pencil in his teeth and that devilish grin... I even love it when he just has to get up and walk away ~ ~ ~ probably going for a smoke and a breath of fresh air and quiet to restore his hearing if only for a little while ~ ~ ~

But when General Larry Platt took the stage... I just had a feeling we were in for a few minutes of absolute fun!

He didn't disappoint us did he?  Even MJ Blige took all she had not to fall out of her chair as he jumped right into his now famous "Pants On The Ground"!  With that ending, I feared he might need assistance from the medical team, but oh no... not General Larry Platt ~ ~ ~ he stood with pride as he faced his judges.

And with courage under fire and a spark in his eye, Simon stated quite simply, "You know... I have a horrible fear that song could be a hit"!  And to further make that a possibility Randy jumped up and began to sing with the General for the world to see that yes, stranger things have indeed happened. Add to that we have Kara and Mary J Blige snapping their fingers and singing along. A hit in the making to be sure!

Now General Randy Platt has been been on The View; met Whoopie, been the subject of tweets on Twitter, blogged about and on the pages of Facebook more than I can count!

While parents and grandparents all across America make comments loudly and under their breaths about our youth on the streets, in our homes, in the schools, the grocery stores and in the airports and subways... and no one listens (particularly not the ones wearing their pants on the ground)  ... a man in his 60's gets on American Idol and the world goes nuts! They are all listening; they are inviting him on national T.V., they are tweeting about him, his lyrics, his immense "chutzpah" so to speak!  And about what you ask.... a song he wrote called, "Pants On The Ground"!!! Only In America!!!

Gotta Love It!!!

Did I mention that I love me some Simon Cowell? Where else can you watch someone look incredibly bored; disgusted, tickled pink, speak their mind, not care, be brutally honest, not care what anyone thinks... and still make ridiculous amounts of money and be adored by millions ~ ~ ~

Maybe next go around, I'll ask to come back as Simon! haha

So back to "Pants On The Ground"... What is "up with that"?
When I've been in airports recently I am continually amazed at the number of young men I see with their "pants on the ground"; tugging pulling, looking uncomfortable all the time. I always get a view of their boxers whether I want to see them or not; they are always grabbing, always holding, always "hiking themselves up". I wonder if they pay more for the extra material in the pants; if they think they are going to loose weight; if they know the origin of "why" men started wearing their "pants on the ground"...  BUT mostly I wonder when this particular phase or fashion will go out of style!!!

Now with the good and now famous General Larry Platt, we may see some changes... it just may be that he shames these young men into purchasing pants that really fit them. Wouldn't that be wonderful?  I mean after all who in their right mind would want to be listening to a song blasting from their car speakers and then exit a car with their "pants on the ground" while singing the words, "you lookin like a fool wit your pants on the ground"!  Perhaps Larry is doing the world a great service and the producers of American Idol really did know what they were doing when they broke the age restrictions by allowing him to audition.

That's it!!! THEY HAD A PLAN ~ ~ ~ Now I get it, they were planning a way for us to get the message out for these young men to stop wearing their "pants on the ground".  Bloody brilliant, now I am convinced this was Simon's idea.  See he is a mastermind behind the entire show. It cannot exist and be the success it has become without him. He choreographed this whole thing.  Ah.... he is a minx to be sure.

While at times dubbed the "resident bad boy" you must admit he "tells it like it is" and for that we should all stand up and give him "props". Now don't get me wrong, I do love Randy, he is my "dawg" and "I feel him", and he keeps it real ...  
Ryan is great for fashion and laughs and ... well he's Ryan, his commentaries get him into trouble and at times as Simon would tell you he is "predictable"! But you gotta love him, he's cute and he likes to stir it up with the judges; he likes to get into a mess and he loves to ask the contestants how they are feeling about their experiences.

I'm still trying to "feel" Kara, but she is still feeling her way into the show. MJ Blige was fantastic and I just loved it when she had to "lean into" Kara to attempt to control her fits of laughter... wish she could stay, she definitely calls it like she sees it.  I do miss Paula though; she and Simon and Randy had something special, they were good together. I wish her all the best life has to offer.

But for some of the contestants, I've been thinking.... they walk among us!  Think about that for a moment... and join me in being afraid at times! haha

No wonder Simon has to take breaks, shows the world his frustration and no wonder he returns home with security and to the safe solitude of his world. We have folks standing on a stage in front of the world "boob boxing", jumping in the air and falling on the ground, rolling their eyes in less than human ways, "crotch grabbing", advocating for families like no tomorrow with statements like, "Oh My God, he is just like Michael Jackson, wait until you see him" only to have us watch and then fall in the floor!  And heaven forbid w must see the ones who cannot stand the truth... the ones who show us their sides of disappointment by gesturing, cussings, screaming, crying and otherwise making utter fools of themselves in front of their families, employers and future would have been employers and wouldhave been girl and boyfriends....  People are just outright ridiculous at times ... and to think they eat with those mouths too!!!!

But through it all we can count on Simon to amuse us, say the things that we wish we could say... he will roll his eyes, stop folks in mid scream with his, "that's enough" or "that was absolutely dreadful" or "why are you here" Have you ever noticed how the judges chew on a pen, cover their eyes, choke, laugh, look out the windows and and comment on the sky, all at the same time... and then are able to say no! And then Simon will say, "Here we go ... and he will giggle and tilt his head  in a wonderful way that only Simon Cowell would dare to, smile a fabulous smile and wink.  ""I dont know what that was", "Naughty", "Minx", or "people like you are the reason I do this show", and "just kidding"  all more of Simon's quotes! haha

Now enter Brian Krause... how in the world did he get past the producers for round one I ask you. As he rolls his eyes and opens his mouth he is immediately met with, "Ok Brian is this a joke, swear on your Mothers life this is not a joke"  Consensus of judges, NO... and I am sitting here saying, ARE YOU KIDDING ME????

And the stories and traumas and events of some of the contestents; just pull my heart from my chest and step on it...

And very soon Ellen D. will join them, Ellen the talk show host that everyone loves; you know Ellen ... the one that hounded Oprah until she was on the cover of O?  Well, we'll see how she does as a judge, how she "fits in" with Simon, Kara and Randy; we'll see if she dances her famous Ellen dance.

Did I tell you I have followed her lead?  I am hounding her like she hounded Oprah; I tweet her everyday, telling her about Healing Heartaches, Stories of Loss and Healing!!! Maybe she will follow Oprah's lead and finally just give in and read the book! After all, she did end up on Oprah's cover with her persistence didn't she!!!

Now in closing ... did I mention, I love Simon?

While the General is on The View, probably headed for Ellen D and Oprah and The Today Show; I am trying to spread the word of Healing Heartaches, can't sing and am too old to make it past the security guards to get Simon's attention... But I bet he would love Healing Heartaches if anyone knows how to get a copy to him I sure would like that! Wonder if he could get me on The View; I am "tweeting Ellen and Oprah daily"... still waiting.

Here you go, the lyrics of "Pants On The Ground", next time you see someone with theirs on the ground, don't stare, just sing!
Intro: This is for people who need [to] pull their pants up~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

So to you General Larry Platt, I say thank you! You were entertaining, informative and I hope that your song will inspire and speak to not only those with their "pants on the ground" but to the world!!

To you Simon; don't leave us! We need your honesty, your humor and that fabulous smile... but... if you do, may all the best be yours.  I hope that the judges have great insurance on their ears... they may need it before this season is over wii--ii--t-t-thh a-a-all thhee rr-uu--uu-nn-nn s they are having to heearrr...
and the teearrrsss that are fallll-eee-nnn-ggg on the stage `~`~`~


To those reading today; may today's blog lighten your load, brighten your smile and bring laughter to the world in which you dancing. Hope you've got "your pants off the ground" and a song in your heart~!!!

Walk IN Beauty!

author of Healing Heartaches, Stories of Loss and Life

order your autographed copies at:

available for speaking engagements and seminars, please take a look at the website for more information!


Pants on the ground

Pants on the ground

Lookin' like a fool with your pants on the ground

With the gold in your mouth

Hat turned sideways

Pants hit the ground

Call yourself a cool cat

Looking like a fool

Walking downtown with your pants on the ground

Get it up

Hey, get your pants off the ground

Looking like a fool

Walkin', talkin', with your pants on the ground

Get it up

Hey, get your pants off the ground

Looking like a fool with your pants on the ground

Gold in your mouth

Hat turned sideways

Pants hit the ground

Call yourself a cool cat

Looking like a fool

Walkin', talkin', with your pants on the ground

Boom, Uno, Dos, Tres

Looking like a fool with your pants on the ground

With the gold in your mouth

Hat turned sideways

Pants hit the ground


Irene said...


GROUND !!!!!!"
Thanks Sherry, for lightening MY load today

Anonymous said...

Dr. SES, I agree with you about Simon and missing Paula and loving Randy. Dont like Kara and was very upset with the way Mary Bligh acted with the poor little fellow with bad teeth and at least he tried. I think she went over board acting like a fool. I will tune her out. That young man will be scarred for life after her stupidity. You did not see ditzy Kara, Simon or Randy acting like she acted. I do love PANTS ON THE GROUND and I am sure he will end up in Hollywood like Chun. Your words of wisdom is a hit today. Keep on keeping on.

Linda said...

Thank you for the encouragement to try something new. I have never heard of American Idol nor heard of any of the people you mention. Some research tells me it is a TV show. So, I have been inspired to try something new and try watching a show I have never heard of. Oh... I have heard of Oprah and Ellen....which makes me feel somewhat better! Now....I just have to reserach day, time, and station...thanks for the inspiration to try something new! Oh...will also research tweeting...lots to learn in today's blog!

Anonymous said...

Anyone that owns a TV and has never heard of American Idol must dwell under a rock... Sad really... Enjoyed the blog, lots of ufn. Thanks

Vicki said...

I honestly think they should have you on American Idol...judging that is!! I can see it!!!You would even be able to sit next to Simon!! I love him too! I miss Paula though..
Great blog..I am laughing typing this!!
The song reminds me of all the guys walking around with their pants on the ground...including my nephew!
Thanks for a good laugh!