Wednesday, February 7, 2001

Amazing it Is

Olivia's Feet
Last night
we went from wheelchair
Crutches to the kitchen,
from Kitchen to the hall with ONE crutch...
took that one crutch away
"baby, look at Nana, breathe in and smell the sage,
breathe out the fear, and walk to me"
With those little swollen feet
with ankles seen in the x-ray
of yesterday's blog
back to the couch!

We settled in, propped her feet up,
snuggled in for a day of movies
"fat cats" letting Joan wait on us.
our naps took us to a wonderful sleep!
Yep a wonderful and deep nap
for Nana and her girl
since she had not slept since surgery!
She was just waiting for Nana I guess
waiting to snuggle in my arms
and for us to nap together!

It is remarkable,
the power of the mind and spirit
Olivia has had but one pain pill since surgery,
she has told her mind and body
she will have NO PAIN
and she will instead
embrace the love of Mom and Nana
and the sage of healing ways.
She has and is doing great,
but those little toes and ankles are beginning
to develp impressive bruising that we can see
oh boy does she have some
with special little blu booties on!
But she asks often\
for us to
fire up the sage bowl
you can see her take all
with the prayers of healing
along with the thoughts of others.
We are going to call\
KellyTwo Wolves today
and together through the phone lines
fire sage as 2wolves sings in Lakota
a healing song for Olivia
and I know that will speed her healing as well
filling both her and Joan
with what we all need.

We thank you all for your many thoughts and prayers,
it is helping, we are resting, laughing and taking best care here.

The mind/body/spirit
is powerful
tap into it always for what you need,
ask for what u need for you
and those around you
both near and far.

HOW bout that superbowl?
Talk about excitement and a spectacular halftime show.
It really kept interest for all.
So now it is time
for an attitude of gratitude of a new week.
If you hear motion in
it will be DLB
shaking the house out
as she is on a cleaning spree there,
here she is moving furniture, purging, cleaning, and all sorts of things... the work of 10 being done by one.
I believe the four-leggeds have put in a call to the neighbors for an intervention but so far their pleas have gone unanswered
next they will be calling Pizza Hut or the SPCA

Here's hoping all is well in your world,
that our friend in CO is finding this day brings the beginning of restored health,
we are still standing beside you here\
please know we have candles lit\
and sage burning for you.\

The fire is burning brightly, the safe is fired up,
Joan and Olivia thank you for your thoughts
and I am honored and grateful.
Walk In Beauty,


Anonymous said...

YAY Olivia!!! I'm going to get my Molly on that same path ...she has knee surgery to fix an ACL tomorrow....she's nervous about surgery, but excited because it is her first step towards dancing again....I have the sage ready to go....along with support from friends and family....*HUGS* to all!

dotti said...

I cried some happy tears reading this. Blessings to that little Warrior from whom we can all learn so much. Yes, she is Nana's girl, I can feel your love for her and hers for you through space and time. Would that I could hear Kelly's song, I'm sure more tears would flow. It is said, tears are liquid prayer, so please know I am praying for and with you♥