photo taken from the facebook page of Lily the black bear
Lily The North American Black Bear
A Mom teaches her young to
Reach for the stars
"safe from the world"
It is offical:
photo taken from Lily the Black Bear facebook page
the beautiful
North American Black Bear
According to the latest update on the Facebook fan page last night
written by ?
HOPE was shot and killed by someone known to Lynn Rogers
on the 16th of September.
The update went to tell how many yards away the bedding was, how frequently Lily and her cubs visited there;
that Sue Mansfield was wrong when they reported seeing them all together, they erred.
They made an error in recognizing that
Lily the Black Bear was in crisis
with her "tongue clicking" sounds
after changing her gps collar
the day or days later
and now think perhaps she was trying to indicate to them that
something was WRONG
perhaps she was a mother bear grieving.
They "thanked the hunter for coming forward"
Almost two weeks later
then again
perhaps they have known all along?
Truth seems hard to come by
in regards to what goes on in a little town
Ely MN.
It appears that credibility and integrity and honesty is
HOPE and perhaps left prior to her.
For many days; people have requested that
Lily be with more colorful ribbons
as the page put up videos in the midst of such raw grief
videos showing Lily and her tribe playing
and romping in the woods.
Many could not watch it; they were too raw in pain with the thought of the famous HOPE
presumed dead.
Those that did watch remarked
"Oh God, Lily only has one ribbon and it blends in with the terrain, please get more ribbons on her"
A Moderator-Linda replied, "we'll send this to the researchers" but yet we have heard nothing about or of Lily or Faith...
Many fear that Lily may well be the next target
with all the threats that have been made to
hunters now...
death threats have been made
bounty like threats
wanting the name of the one who has killed
those who have been up in arms, those who are beside themselves in the pain of grief
have read this update and are
"thanking the hunter"
"thanking the researchers"
"not against bait stands or still against bait stands"; even though Lynn Rogers was instrumental in the plan and implementation of bait stands in MN for hunting?
this morning
I am just rather shocked
I read
that folks are
~ preparing to tell kindergarden/first graders
of this, taking their own angst into classrooms
to tell the children?
OHHH they should be really glad I am not the parent.
What are they thinking?
These are little kids; keep it simple! Short sentences, leave the YOU out of it here teachers. Let them watch "Lion King", and remember they are little kids here...
People are wanting to send donations to make lynn rogers and sue mansfield feel better?
to erase the debt of the bear center?
A HOPE memorial?
c'MON now people... stop with the shelling out of the money now... put on your oxygen mask first before you render aide to another here.
sOMEONe wants the hunter to return
HOPE's body for a "proper burial"
have they forgotten this happened
on the
this hunter said he hunts young bears
for their "tender meat"...
Hope is already gone
She is in a freezer, her brain used to tan the hide
that now probably is on the wall or the floor.
that is in front of us now.
what is really scary?
The number of pages that are on facebook?
The number of
the number of
"ugly posts to people across the world"
the lies and deceit
we read an update
with such accuracy of the yards away from a bait stand to the bedding of the bears;
the community feeding stations?
It is all a bit much to absorb
something smells bad
I do not believe it is the Bears.
The number of comments
are a small
but a large statement
of the power of people
I now remember donating copies of
Healing Heartaches for auctions to raise monies for the North American Bear Center;
I also remember providing support to the page,
offering and gladly giving
time and answering more emails from folks I have met through the page in times of fear and crisis there.
I have met many; many who sent notes of thanks along the way.
I received a lovely ball cap signed from
Lynn Rogers and a note from
Sue Mansfield
spoke across our Nation of the work and the bears.
once I disagreed with something on the page;
ohhh boy
Sue Mansfield did NOT like it a bit;
I no longer was liked much,
my valued expertise not valued it seems,
the lovely notes stopped
well the rest is history
I don't take tylenol for the fever of others!
But I can't help but wonder
why Mansfield and Rogers
have not come on the authorized page
say something/anything
to the over 100 thousand fans
to thank them
to calm them
and say
"Bears in the wild get shot in hunt season
we have dealt with this for many years".
"We made errors in judgment"
I have met some honorable people as a result of the page; people who are the recipients of those hate mails and death threats;
good people
honest people...
I cannot understand this.
I have also seen people just absolutely unglued
I am worried about their mental health
as they now spin and twirl
grasp to understand
need to know details
want a memorial
feel responsible to clear a debt
while incurring personal debt to do it.
It is truly a wonderful dissertation on human behavior for a PHD student
is a scary time to a
North American Black Bear
associated with
Lily the North American Black Bear.
Where you may be well thought of one day
threatened the next or have
someone wish you disease
put a bounty on your ass
the next.
Speaking of bounties...
Has this ugliness and a bounty to not kill collared bears
actually put a
and a bounty of $5,000.00
on those precious bears?
Will Lily the North American Black Bear
be next?
Why havent we heard that she is OK and why doesnt she have brightly colored ribbons adorning her neck
particularly now?
One thing is certain;
hunters are riled up as a result of the many things that have been spewed over the last few weeks; ethical hunters along with those of no ethics or morals...
Folks I would have never ever thought capable of nastiness have shown me things that had my head in my hands:
"When someone shows you who they are believe them" Maya Angelou
As for those updates about those most remarkable bears?
I have to tell ya... they are filled with contradictions, not emotional care. They are crafted carefully and willfully but mistakes have now been made.
One cannot say that you saw bears on a day or days but then you didn't; that a hunter was and did know research bears but then didn't; was or was and did or did not post to pages...
Life is just not that way, nor are people. think back to your own life and how you live it, do you really change it up that often?
It seems there is secrecy
where there should not have to be any.
HOPE should have had ear tags,
yes I get it
Lynn doesn't like to "tranq" bears,
yet he feeds them, he administers antibiotics to them, he walks with them and enlists volunteers to do the same...
the research is "different" but effective and has brought us all to a greater understanding, has dispelled myths of these marvelous creatures
has fostered a better understanding for the next generation.
they let HOPE down
by not doing all they good
make no mistake
they could have and should have
done more
at this point of the game;
in the name of goodwill
in the name
mans humanity
the wild
the world.
And I say that with
respect, with truth and with great
reverence of the
North American Black Bear.
Here's a look at those remarkable bears
Lily, HOPE, and Faith
just this month!
They have delighted and awed the world
in their travels, their mischief, their wonder!
Oh how they should have been protected
given how closely they have walked with humans
tasted food
from the human hands...
HOPE was hungry
hunter was in familiar territory
those she has been close to.
She will be missed
she will miss her life as a bear!
There are many many loyal fans there though... many will be. They will believe what is said without question. Perhaps that is why some (even newspapers) have likened the page to a "cult" and suggested sending Kool ade to them.
Others have left the page saying it just is too painful now to stay.
Some have left because of the
rancid ugliness there, the contridictions
in the posting of fans;
from prayers to hateful comments that would make someone's head spin on a good day
the updates that leave you wondering who in the world is making the posts and how could
Lynn Rogers allow his name to be used at the end of it.
Then there is the DNR
you have to wonder about the long standing relationship there
how it could take so very long to make a phone call between the two
after reading that a couple of fans managed to
actually talk with an officer!
As sad as the reality is;
we still have no word on Donna and her cubs
but now
still know that 4 shots were fired
but now have to wonder
were they 4 shots that went into HOPE?
were the 4 shots
for Donna and her cubs
since the cubs are small and we now know that small bears make for tender meat?
Such information streams
for fans
and many of which dress the bears up and assign human emotions to them
now are trying to get it their heads images of such reality is difficult.
Bear claws/Bear Medicine is powerful/
but will the hunter know how to use all that is taken is one of my questions...
HOPE is gone friends
there is no reclaiming her body, no burial, no need to continue the angst of
wanting revenge against a man who was
hunting in hunt season.
From what we have learned
we are to believe what we are told;
it was a
legal kill.
A moral kill? An ethical kill?
Those are questions that were not answered, as the update was applauding Lynn's friend for coming forward with the information and how many yards away from the bait sight to the bedding site to the community feeding station?
But yes
he was within his rights as a hunter.
One question to ask now
if questions are to be asked I suppose...
is it within the rights of those who loved
to threaten each other, to offer a "bounty" to hunters as a way of collecting their names and license numbers and say it is for not shooting a collared research bear?
When in essence
it is
that is being offered
it is the collection of information
appears likely may do harm...
One way or the other
it sure does have to make you wonder
what anyone was thinking when they contributed to that pot
endorsed that...
Hunters are now posting that all the fans have them with adrenalin surges to go out and kill bears now... I do not think that was the HOPE when those death and ugly threats have been posted by so many in the last days.
once you hit enter, it goes out to so many places and it seems Ely has many who are now reading what folks are saying and not real happy about it or the fans of the Lily Pages; and there are many pages out there I'm finding out.
What do you stand for friends?
I hope YOU are feeding the right wolf!
IN America they first came for the Native Americans,
and no one spoke UP because they weren't Native American
In Germany they first came for the Communists,
and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Communist.
Then they came for the Jews,
and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew.
Then they came for the trade unionists,
and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Catholics,
and I didn't speak up because I was a Protestant.
Then they came for me -
and by that time no one was left to speak up.
and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Communist.
Then they came for the Jews,
and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew.
Then they came for the trade unionists,
and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Catholics,
and I didn't speak up because I was a Protestant.
Then they came for me -
and by that time no one was left to speak up.
NO ONE listens
to animals when they speak!]
pLAy and wander and wonder and climb the clouds HOPE... you are safe now among the spirit world with all who have gone before you
play on, wander on, free FREE from harm
with spirit, spunk, spectacular
nothing can harm you now
The fire is burning brightly, its embers are hot, with thoughts on the suns rays to all who enter here today...
I wish you enough
Walk In Beauty