Wednesday, August 31, 2011

time to turn the page!

It's about time to say so long
Oh I can't help but wonder,
where has the summer gone once again
I've been noticing the lights changing

It's early morning as we prepare to turn the page on August here;
the quiet is still filling the air!
 It's strange at times how the same words spoken last week have such different meanings today.
 I'm not sure what we could say this week that has not been said in weeks past.
 Have you ever wondered what could possibly be said that has not been said before by so many?

The Cherokee have a wonderful saying, "Listen, or your tongue will make you deaf."

But they also say I love you, I admire you, I want to know more about YOU, and I admire your courage.

That is the ultimate amount for one day isn't it?

 But again, it cannot compare to tomorrow... Tomorrow has its own jar needing to be filled.
Likened to a jar of marbles, we can only hold so much at a time before we overflow; and if we are not careful our jars can be emptied by ourself or taken by others very quickly. Learning to control the ebb and flow of energy, or marbles in our jar takes mindfulness, takes learning balance, mind-body-spirit connection if you will.

As the months and the seasons change, time moves swiftly like the fox, the need the want, the hope;

to be loved; to be admired, to be validated never changes. It helps us to grow, to heal and to maintain balance in our mind-body-spirit and it helps us to keep our jars filled with give/take.
It also helps us to appreciate the finer things in life; the four-leggeds, the winged ones, the water beings, the connections of all things great and small., knowing that our time together is linked in beauty. Creating memories to sustain us in times of change, times of great struggle, times of pain, loss, grief, growth and healing.

"O, Listen! Hear! Sing with me, For I am joy. I am at Peace!" (Cherokee Song) 

Good and wonderful morning to you dear ones! A great time to start the day with "Morning song" I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!

the sage is filling the air with prayers on the winds for all in need or want of someone who is thinking of them this morning...

Walk In Beauty


p.s.>>hey Oprah, still waitin here for ya!


Anonymous said...

I guess everyone must be snoozing late today,
not me, up and at 'em with the rising sun,
and catching up on some unfinished business..
So right you are about time passing so quickly,
summer has come and gone , unbelievable.
As the seasons pass, memories surely are stacked
up and how lucky we are to have the ability to recall and relive those special moments in our lives. Each year seems to get shorter,
I think it must be an " age thing"..
Wishing all a great week ahead, and as always,
Thanks Sherry for wise words and encouraging
sign me, hugging my angels, ♥

fluff said...

Dear Dr. Sherry, touching words of wisdom today. The song and pictures touched my heart and spirit and for this I am grateful. Bless you this day and Wado from my heart. It was very special.
Yes, August is over and summer is leaving us for another year. We already have the fall leaves falling off the trees. We surely have the seasonal changes quickly in SE Mich. Today was my first day of vacation and I was able, for the first time in a very long time, to sleep in and it sure felt good. I am up at 4:30a.m. M-F and off running for work and the weekends lately up early and off running out the door. It was good to not have to jump up today. Of course, my precious four legged furry kids had to eat. They were not hearing me sleeping in past 6:00 and my biggest one, a 16Lb orange tabby has to walk across me and then lay on my chest with his face on my chin saying wake up Mom we are hungry-LOL. Can't fake sleep with a 16 pounder on ones chest. So did have to get up and feed them but went back to bed and right back to sleep. It was good! My furry kids bring such joy and happiness to my life. All three are special needs cats from the shelter.
Wishing everyone here a very happy Wednesday and prayers for all those we mention here often. I Pray Sandy and Stewart are doing well and moving along in the house fixing. I hope Jeepers is all better now. Take care my friends here and be well. Sandy♥

Dot said...

Good afternoon, I really, really enjoyed the Morning Song. Truly is beautiful music with the people showing in their face the hard work and the love for each other. It has been a very sad 3 days for me this week. My best friend little dog only 2 1/2yrs. old ran after a car and was killed instantly. Her dog was the love of her life. She had just buried her dog of 15yrs. about a year ago. Tiki was sent to her to love. We are very sad at this time. The man and woman who hit it was very sad, he offered to bury Tiki next to Judy and he did. I was thankful for that as I raced to her side to help her get thru this, she is very sad. Remember her in your prayers. She is going to be a very lonely person but at this time she is not ready to have another dog. She was mowing her yard and decided to let him run and he ran as fast as the wind. She saw it all and of course blames herself but she didnt think anyone would be coming down the road at that time of day. Keep her in your thoughts and prayers. It will be a hard one to deal with. Blessings to all

Anonymous said...

Love love love the beautiful photo and morning song. Heard it in my head for hours. Thank you for the gift of this beautiful peaceful song.

fluff said...

Oh Dot, I am so sorry for your friend losing her little dog. I know how difficult that is. My prayers for your friend that she will in time find comfort. She needs comfort right now from her friends and angels. Sandy♥