Monday, November 21, 2011

Oh goodness

I just could
resist this cartoon
I hear stories of folks
preparing for the
Thanksgiving gathers
the shopping
all over our lands!
"Hallmark moments"
that are preparing to happen
just as momentous as "thawing the bird"
how many will
take the time
for all that is around them.
It is amazing to me
I've been on the phone with a dear friend
who is facing some pretty scary surgery in the next few days
with my best friend
listening to the stories of so many around
how very stressed people are/
I had the nerve to go out
and into my very own little community
to the store...
Where I listened to
"rudeness" of those in the
"service industry"
witness the "ugliness" of others in my community
they were out and about
doing whatever it was that was so very important
that the little things
"holding a door open for another"
was much to much to ask for or even think as just a casual but kind gesture.
I got an opportunity
to see
Moms be unkind to their children
in grocery stores
"I wants" get ignored in stores
"can I's" get filled up with abundance in other isles
I had to wonder...
And wonder I do
where is our kindness to each other in our communities
why does it seem so rare?
I can't help but feel perplexed
I join all of you as we are in the week
I sit here and wonder.
We all want world peace,
we all talk about how great it would be if all people just got along,
yet in our own communities
I see such ugliness from those who go to the same grocery stores
visit the same places of worship
yet cannot extend simple courtesies to others in their day.
Have we become so busy, so self-absorbed
that we have forgotten
to smile when out and about along the way
of our day?
Is it too much to stand for a moment
hold a door for another?
A person pauses in line at Mcdonalds for an elder to back their car out;
only to have the car behind them laying down on a horn,
then to see the same car rush in front of them;
the guy jump out;
come storming to their window and shout every
profanity one could imagine while holding their pants up
shouting like a maniac
meeting the same person on the other side of the drive through
to hold their hand in the shape of a gun
pointed at the kind person as if to say
"you are dead"/
What are people thinking?

Does this man have a mother?
And wouldn't she just be proud to know that her son
making such a display on an afternoon to a woman who was being kind to an elder, making her son have to wait 3 minutes before he could order his "happy meal"
or park his car?
speaking of people
extention of self...
when did extensions of self
go out of vogue?
Really being kind to another is never out of fashion
it is in the service of and to others that we all grow and bloom beautiful like the flowers
during the most remarkable of seasons.
Speaking of seasons
we are in the seasons
of giving
being thankful
of the time
when so many talk of going out
to those stores
where we see so many
in the business of
it is time to let them know
that we are consumers
after all
we do have choices!
I am just amazed how many folks are out there
act as if it is a hardship to be polite
to those who purchase and shop at their businesses!
are easy for anyone!
I believe
if we remind them of those courtesies
perhaps they will use them more often.
Let's get to

Happy Monday friends


Walk In Beauty

great time to gift a copy of
Healing Heartaches~!~~
to order with a free gift enclosed!


Anonymous said...

As always "keepin it real. Just had this very conversation with friends this past weekend. have we forgotten simple manners? I am amazed at how rude and thoughtless people can be. Not my personal style but expectations of others seem to be pointless. To those who gather here with thankful hearts and kind words. i am proud to call you friends. Be well, be blessed.

fluff said...

Very thoughtful words today Dr. Sherry. Sure wish it could be read by many more people. I was grocery shopping yesterday and I am not so fast on my legs and I know there were some who wanted to tell me to move it! Hopefully, some day they will know that it is like to be at an age and have issues where their legs don't move quite as fast as they did. People can really be rude and nasty at times. I wish each of you a Blessed evening and a joyous and peaceful night. Prayers for our sweet friend EE as she faces some tough days again and also all those mentioned here.

For Angie, I just placed a Thanksgiving card in the mail today with a letter and some pictures for her group. I hope she gets it by Wednesday so she can have a Thanksgiving card with wishes for those she works with. It will be a surprise for them from S.E. Michigan. Hope they like the pictures.

Take care friends and Blessings and joy to each of you.

Anonymous said...

As always...great words friend. Greetings on the wind. This is a time of being thankful..thankful we have homes, food, family, that we are alive and kicking, for friends.....and the list goes on.
thanks for the prayers sandy. I am hanging in and hanging on
I Remember a poem that went something like this and I repeat it often to remind myself...I am thankful I can see, for there are those who are blind, I am thankful I have feet, for there are those who have none, I am thankful I can hear for there are those who are deaf, I am thankful I have legs (even though mine don't walk so good and have a lot of pain) for there are those who have no legs. For me, I remind myself that I am thankful that I can feel pain..for it means I can feel...whether it be emotional pain or physical..and if I can feel hurt or pain then I can feel joy.
Hope everyone has a great holiday.
Hugs on the wind

PS. I had someone challenge me a year ago to every day list three things I was thankful for and each day could not be the same. The first few days were hard after thankful for family and friends, my home, etc and then I realized there were many things to be thankful for. I was thankful for hot food, for in some people don't have that luxury. I was thankful for showers...for some don't have that. One day I listed my long johns as something I was thankful for ..for the house was cold. And it made me very aware of just how lucky we are. So I challenge anyone that wants to it for a month and see what you start seeing in your life.

Anonymous said...

Very nice and thought provoking message EE and indeed to remember daily to be thankful for even the little things in our days. Those things you listed for those I am thankful and grateful as well. I like the challenge to be thankful every day for 3 new things. I believe this is a grand idea for all to try for 30 days. Today, I am so thankful to God that I got to work on time. I got up really late cuz I overslept even after 2 alarm clocks and a loud TV. I flew out of bed praying the entire time that God would keep me moving and moving fast. Even though I had to rush. I flew down the x-way on my 30 mile one way trek, knowingly I was over the speed limit, still praying that I would get here on time. I have to swipe in and I am compulsive about not being late. I was so grateful that He allowed me, even through the rushing and speeding, to get here safe, without a speeding ticket and no accident and I still swiped in on time. Yeah!! Thank you Lord!♥! So, I am thankful big time for that this morning. I am thankful I have a job to rush to because many do not, especially here in Detroit. I am thankful for Dr. Sherry and this wonderful place to come to and feel free to be open and to find friends here that care and are open and encouraging as well. Lots of things to be thankful for today. Also thankful I will be off a few days after today to try to catch up on needed sleep and R & R. Wishing each of you a wonderfully, Blessed and joyous day. Wherever we are at in life and whatever we are doing, hope we can remember to be thankful for all things.
I want to ask you, my friends here, to hold me and my Sis in your prayers the next few days. It will be a tough Thanksgiving as this is a first big holiday without Mom and we are already having a hard time. Last year was a first Thanksgiving without our brother who died from cancer and the year before Dad died 3 days before Thanksgiving but now without Mom it is tough. I know you all have been there through the many "firsts" and survived so praying for you all also and I covet your prayers as well.
EE, take care and know we hold you in our prayers that you will find comfort from the pain. Sandy♥

Anonymous said...

What a timely blog. I have noticed with the advent of "electronic communication" manners seem to have disappeared altogether. I do not move that quickly, and some people are so impatient! I have been known to speak my mind about it, too. Yes, I let the rude and impatient know they are being rude and impatient. My hubby is sure some day I will get in real trouble over it. I say, GOOD! At least I'll be in trouble for standing up for myself! STOMP! I do not yell or lecture--just let them gently know there are some who are not able to move as quickly and what if it were your mama or granny--would you treat them the same way? Perhaps our kindnesses will teach others. It is my hope.

Much to be thankful for this week. Oh, so much. EE--you know you are in my heart and I'm sending you lots of love and prayer. And Sandy, I feel your pain. The first holidays without mama were so difficult. Sending you extra prayers as well. Take good care of yourselves, and sending you all love and hugs on the wind. STOMP! Guin

Anonymous said...

thank you guin. I feel the prayers believe me. You all inspire me to keep fighting.
Sandy, no matter how many times we go through losing someone, the holidays are the worst because that is when "family" usually comes together even if only in phone calls and so it brings all those memories. I sent prayers and hugs friend that this one you feel all your loved ones sitting there with you.
hugs on the wind to you and all..and hugs to doc for her words never fail to lift me up when I am low.
love and hugs