Monday, March 19, 2012

Did YOU?

Hello Beautiful
Yep these are sitting on my table
I want to share them with
When you looked in the mirror this morning
I wanna know...
look in
your eyes
give yourself a message
Did you
think about how you were going to get your day started with an attitude of great gratitiude
beginning with
Did you
about that magnificent brain
of yours
and the messages that only
send with each thought, each choice
are going to be making,
each decision all day today?
Did you
brush your teeth with gladness and joyful
that you are able to stand, lean, sit
knowing that
you woke up
with great opportunites
Are YOU ready to extend a smile, a hand
to be more than YOU even can imagine
Did you know
that this day
this very day is YOURS
that it is filled with challenges
that can be viewed as opportunities
that YOU can train your brain
to function and lead you to more
with each message you give it?
a day to massage YOUR BRAIN
to remember
YOU are your most precious resource!
Maybe today
is the day
you will dance and skip
just find a way
to move in ways that even astound YOU.
“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the one who'll decide where to go...”  Dr Seuss

How many times do YOU realize
how magnificent YOUR brain is
that YOU are the one who controls
that 3 pound wonder that resides between your ears?
One thing is certain,
if we give our brains mixed messages,
we have to not be surprised when the results are mixed!
take these beautiful flowers
in through your occipital lobe
process it through your brain in a hot flash as the neurotransmitters brought a smile to your face and a feeling of ease through your body
and feel
YOU are indeed "awesome"
YOU can steer your day
by the messages and the choices YOU make
the executive decsions that are housed
in that magnificent brain of yours!
Ah, that magnificent brain of ours...

OUtshine the sun dear ones
give that brain clear and distinct messages
as YOU
then watch the brilliance of
when the neurotransmitters light up
and follow the command!
Practice Practice Practice,
the brain thrives and loves
must give clear cut and postive messages
to get what you want and need
live your best lives.
“Things may happen and often do to people as brainy and footsy as you” Dr Seuss

Have a remarkable day!
Walk in Beauty,


Irene M said...

Morning friends, Romans & Countrymen ! Lend me your eyes....
(not a quote from Dr. Seuss, lol)
Read on: I was away for the weekend for a lovely visit to my cousins' community, just south of here. A wonderful time, food, swimming, walking, etc. Today is St. Joseph's Day, the saint of workers, carpenters and the like.
Today is the LAST day of Winter (as some of us know winter being cold). Welcome SPRING!
Today a special prayer/shout-out/blessing to my good friend ROSE BRICK (mentioned every Sunday on the prayer list). She is CANCER FREE, however, is having a huge "reversal" surgery this morning and all are hoping for a good and positive outcome. I missed commenting a few days, but was reading, here & there.
My house is still under construction (painting, tie-downs, brick removal, etc), so having a busy week coming up. Cheers to everyone. Keepin' FIRM on all fronts..........

fluff said...

Thank you Dr. Sherry for the uplifting words today. What a nice day it will be. The flowers were lovely - thank you for them. My early daffodils are bursting out and their yellow tips are ready to open any time now. So happy to see you today Irene. I am glad you had such a splendid weekend with family. Sounds like a good time was had by all. I will be holding your friend Rose Brick in my prayers today for her surgery. So happy to hear that she is now Cancer Free. Wishing all those who stop by a lovely Monday and hope the weather is grand for you. It is supposed to be in the 60s to 70s today. Sure is strange for March in Michigan. Very thick fog this morning and still foggy at 10:30 a.m. Had to drive slow but no problems. Take care friends. /Sandy♥

Dot/Mom said...

Good morning to all. It is awesome that you have used all of the words I have spoken this morning. Everyone that has greeted me with good morning and how are you, my answer is AWESOME it sorta startles people. lol. I bounced out of bed and off to the YMCA there was 26 members in the pool and the water was shaking. Great time, then off to Hospice where I was greeted with lots of good mornings. Using the brain this morning to ans. phones, type messages and just keeping it active. Took Dr. SES books to her Cuz early this morning for her Richmond trip. My daffodils are awesome even my neighbor called last night to tell me how beautiful they are. Have a blessed day and be awesome using that brain. Blessings

Anonymous said...

Loved the video but your words did not match your mouth if that makes sense. Always remember the wisdom keepers. Each of us mourns in a different way and we will survive. Thanks for keeping it real. Loved the dog helping you.