Thursday, March 22, 2012

Oprah, where are YOU?

Keepin it Real


fluff said...

Hi Dr. Sherry, Great video tonight. I would love for Oprah to see it and call you right up and say come on down Dr. Sherry, bring your book and we need to talk. Yes indeed, that would be a grand time to watch on the television ~~ Oprah and Dr. Sherry Keepin it Real today and every day!!! So Oprah, get on the phone and call our Dr. Sherry. Oh, and don't forgot Oprah, get your copy of Healing Heartaches, Stories of Loss and Life cuz I just think that there have been some times in your life where this grand book would be just what is needed to bring that smile back to your face and a lift to your step in the red soled shoes Oprah. Take care now Dr. Sherry and Oprah - have a wonderful and peaceful nights sleep. Oprah, read a few chapter of the book before you go to sleep and I can bet you would sleep better knowing what you know!
Thank you Dr. Sherry for a fine video and message. Sure enjoyed it. Goodnight! /Sandy♥

Irene M said...

Just viewed this wonderful 7 minute message. OPRAH, Dr. Sherry is really worth your time. Just give her a chance, a minute, a look-see, one chapter !
I have a feeling OPRAH will be contacting you soon, SES, just wait and see. Love that you are still keepin' it REAL...... DYS