Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Solid Trees to lean against and STanding On Your Own

There are those times we stand, walk, roll just fine as we look around and do what we need to, and yet sometimes we need something to hold on to, or maybe a place to lean. Something solid to give us a bit of energy, a respite from time to time or even to draw a little strength from. Can't think of much better source than a friend that has your back, or the strength of a tree firmly rooted and reaching toward the light, to remind us that we too can do that.  Many times we can gather that same strength just by looking at those trees, remembering they grew from a little twig, managed to get through the hard grounds of winter, surviving all odds they made it, and they grew firmly planted those roots and stood even through the storms of life and often had to be strong enough to bend in order to do it.
Rather like the willow we have to become; strong enough to bend, to allow our thoughts to be flexible, our hearts to pump kindness and generosity and the gift of self toward others in order to keep the blood flowing and avoid those nasty clogs to happen.  It's all about the ebbs and flows just as we see the water and the tides of the rivers and oceans we admire and yet learn to respect.
Life in itself is fluid in nature.

 With all of life's changes, so many things remain the same; thank goodness for that I think on this morning so early that the sun has yet to rise.  The river rise and it goes down, with enough rain it will get muddy and make ya wait and wonder when it will clear while all the time the fish will jump and have the best time, most will swim upstream just cos' they can.  We strengthen ourselves when goin' upstream, although many fail to know it, our muscles get more tone, our head is held higher and our faces feel the wind more often than not.

The tide rolls in and it rolls out again; often bringing with it great gifts if we but look around and look down, taking our time along the way. At times if we pause and hit our knees we are once again reminded we are always on solid ground; if we can't hit our knees we can take off our shoes and feel the water on our feet, the sand beneath our souls and move our feet into the earth a bit firmer and be reminded we are here, right here right now, and we are on solid ground. and that is a very good thing, we are surrounded by blessings and a time to give thanks.

 WE can, each within their own self contribute to the good of the Universe by the messages we send out, to the words we speak and the acts of random kindness we set in motion.  Each person is fighting some kind of battle seen or unseen, most have something going on with self or with family, friends or someone that matters; yet they also have self and life to live.  Each has to find the time for self, for laughter, love, lightness and Life... for making memories while cherishing those from a time gone by.

Each has to set their own mantras that work and that are consistent for their daily life's and daily walk if they are going to talk the talk... Lean when you need to, stand when you can, but keep moving always unless you are resting.

Hold on to what is good,
Even if it's a handful of earth.
Hold on to what you believe,
Even if it's a tree that stands by itself.
Hold on to what you must do,
Even if it's a long way from here.
Hold on to your life,
Even if it's easier to let go.
Hold on to my hand,
Even if someday I'll be gone away from you.

"Hold On," A Pueblo Indian Prayer

Each and every person has their own day to decide how it is going to be; truth, honor integrity and steel will or not. It's our day to do all we can to enjoy, engage, enrich out lives in small and tall ways.
Look for the opening, or make your own into happiness and well being!

 I wish you enough! Time to rise and roll this is your tide coming in to get ya... 

Thanking those who have served and are serving our Great Nation ...
A Shout out to those first responders and those who are standing by Oklahoma along with those who are living there, we are with you all.

Walk in Beauty


Dot/Mom/Cob said...

Wonderful words of wisdom and should be practiced by all. I love the pictures and the river flowing North to reach Mississippi. I hear the only river that flows North. I may be wrong but I love the river no matter which way it flows. If only everyone would take the time to reach out for something that would make them happy. Too many people are living with not enough love in their heart to enjoy the things that God has put here on earth for us to love and watch grow, just to enjoy life. It is hard to let go of thoughts and words that have been said but when you put HAPPY in your life it can be done.Love the picture of the beautiful face coming out of the vine. God grows beautiful people every day and you are blessed and send out blessings to all of us. God bless our troops, responders, and so many more that keep us safe. Blessings to all on this beautiful sun shine day.

Anonymous said...

true and inspiring words..
for me today is a gift, and I will unwrap and enjoy and appreciate..
we sometimes take our life for granted, we fail to notice how truly blessed we are.. ur families, our health, just the simplest of things..
my mantra for the day :
Inhale love,
exhale gratitude.simply stated !
Thanks Doc for all you do each day
for so many ~
Blessings and tidings of good faith and happiness to all warriors !
hugging my angels,
sign me, A.

fluff said...

Hello Dr. Sherry, "A", Dot Mom Cob and friends. So good to read your words today and the photos were an awesome reflection of the message. Very inspirering and thought provoking to take to heart. If we could just find that tree to hold on to and would keep us held tight through the storms of life. I wish for all that today would be a peaceful day as you walk through every moment. /Sandy♥