Monday, October 22, 2012

October and its joys

Kamryn dressed out in his Michael Jordan's
and his "Dot"/Mom/Cob
at Roanoke Airport
as she left for Florida!
Welcome to Monday
where the weather is lovely and the week holds much excitement and hope for a great week of wonder, laughter, and good times here, there and just about everywhere.
The light here is just stunning as the sun rises so wonderfully and changes moves in its fall way around the blue skies here, casting shadows and playing across the trees and Spanish Moss to delight the senses while calling for the shades in order to enjoy the views.
Dot/Mom/Cob arrived after a tearful so long with the family up there in Roanoke, and a big breakfast with Kamryn, D'Vante and Angie. Seems they had a great time enjoying each other as they got to the airport in time for her to people watch while waiting to board.
I had to laugh as she emerged in demin and sparkles on her jacket, with a scarf on as if she were going to the Dakotas all bundled up and me in flip flops and shorts!
Here we are in the days before my birthday and I am feeling younger each day, often forgetting my age when asked and failing to remember I am aging in the process.
It just may be that age is like wine, growing finer all the time, yet if bottled up does not breathe nor bust forward zest and life.
The kid within is jumping for joy, loving each day and looking for puddles to jump in, forgetting that there are things like political debates and such venom in ads and posts on Facebook hat now threaten those friends made on cyber space with such intensity that makes ya wonder at times.
The kid that likes to look at waves, play with new found shells brought to shore as if knowing they are special treasured gifts from the Mother Ocean just for me, while recognizing that others are not as fortunate to find such bliss in such things and times and experiences yet wishing peace and prosperity to all.
The kid who wonders and gazes and listens with both ears while at other times zones out preferring music and flowers and the dolphins jumping to world events and folks who groan and moan about old stories that take up present places and opportunities for new moments.
As I look to this birthday as yet another time of marking a year, I can say it has been a year of challenges, some real disappointments and a year of some heartache brought about by others in trust that was violated, pain that was caused, and in things that could have been or worked out differently for the better good, yet a year of growth.
It was also a year of some great things as well; a year of magic making for others, of great love and conversations, and great times at times.
A year of learning and of discovery, and a year of great gratitude.
A year that I am most blessed to have lived, blessed to be loved and to give love without condition, without want for return and without tragedy.
It has been a year, and now as I soon will celebrate my birth, with the woman who gave me that life, with DLB and with the Creator,
memories will come and I'm sure the presence of my beloved Granny will be strong,
along with my family of choice at some point during the week or week-end
and those I call friends.
The Creator has blessed me richly,
and for that I give great thanks for my life
and so it is!
It is a great day, a Monday, a week to get it rolling.
Today little Kamryn goes for the first of his tryouts to NRV Elite Basketball AAU
and oh my is he excited.
Today I have found that the air is lovely, crisp and joyful with the 4 leggeds running the 
NASCAR round the pool race
as they are frisky by the weather and by the joys of Mom/Dot/Cob's arrival here.
So much to celebrate, so many moments to share over a cup of coffee and the quietness of morning and the day of possibility and the week of wonderment.
how will you do and what will you do this week to keep you in the light of the sun and the ever changing wonderment of your world?
I hope you dance, spread hugs and kisses to all your friends and relations, by energy sent, by the sound of your voice and the song in your heart, along the vibrational energy that is there, here, and everywhere in our world.
As we together 
outshine the sun!
Sending you a kiss to start your week
all that you need to feel as good as you want to! 
        Oh what a feeling!
"Maybe we should develop a Crayola bomb as our next secret weapon.  A happiness weapon.  A beauty bomb.  And every time a crisis developed, we would launch one.  It would explode high in the air - explode softly - and send thousands, millions, of little parachutes into the air.  Floating down to earth - boxes of Crayolas.  And we wouldn't go cheap, either - not little boxes of eight.  Boxes of sixty-four, with the sharpener built right in.  With silver and gold and copper, magenta and peach and lime, amber and umber and all the rest.  And people would smile and get a little funny look on their faces and cover the world with imagination."  ~Robert Fulghum ~
Walk in Beauty


fluff said...

Hello Dr. Sherry
Such uplifting and wonderful words for today - Monday - A full day to spend doing those things that are necessary and having some fun along the way. I do wish for you a very happy Monday. Love the picture of Kamryn and Dot/Mom/Cobb. I am happy you are together for your birthday week. I do hope there are some grand times as you celebrate together. I wish for you the happiest of Happy Birthdays and know that you are so very special and thought of so often. It is so good to celebrate a birthday with family. My Sis sure surprised me yesterday for my birthday dinner. She took me out to lunch to my favorite place but then my entire family was there to celebate with me. I was very happy to see them and be together and for a great surprise! We don't get to do that very much at all.

Well, got to get busy here - wish I was home but have 4 more hours to work so I better make the best of it. Take care and have a wonderful Monday. /Sandy

DrSES said...

Oh Sandy what a marvelous surprise for YOU, and delighted to visualize it as I read your words here today... May your light shine brightly on all at DMC today and this week, with blessings on the suns rays to you and yours there...

Anonymous said...

another monday behind us and I will surely agree that it was a superstar
day of weather, breeze and sunshine with just the right touch of chill in the dawn's air ....
I love the visual of millions of boxes of crayolas, with the endless
possibilities for joy and fun ....
and your words could have come straight from my brain on the thoughts of another year passed, and the promise of more to surprise and
surpass in the year ahead....
wishing for you, each day full of all
the colors in that crayola box to dance in front of you .. enjoy your
birthday week with your Mom and family, and thanks for sharing your
happiness with us .. I love Mondays.
yep... dancing on the desk here too.
Have a great evening, the sky is already amazing to gaze into the
sign me, hugging my angels,
A. ♥