Monday, October 15, 2012

Wave a Light for the babies

Tonight at 7PM
please light your candles and
"wave your lights"
for the babies,
as you will be joining with so many who lost infants, babies, pregnancies that went horribly wrong somewhere along the line, little lives lost and parents who now find themselves without names.
When a spouse loses their partner we call them widow or widower or the loss of a significant other in grief;
when a child loses a parent they become orphaned it seems,
but when a parent loses a baby, a child,
there seems to be no word for that, no real description that truly has been world wide accepted in grief and mourning.
Some have been taught and still hear from friends, family, even helping trained professionals the age old adage,
"time is a great healer; time heals all things".
I have always said,
"time heals nothing"!
It is "what you do with that time that heals", it is the journey, the work, the tears and hard time that is put into self and spirit.
It is the light that penetrates darkness.
Too many continue to grieve in silence, to stand in the darkness of disenfranchised grief and suffering.
Too many become comfortable in the pain of loss and it becomes familiar to them.
It is advocacy and the power of others that are willing to bear witness and join together in light as they remember and share their stories, each unique and as beautiful as a sunrise or sunset as they 
Remember the Babies
remember the hope
and hold tightly to faith as they join to 
"wave their lights" in remembrance.
Tonight the skies and homes will be lit
many will gather in buildings, on the beach, in homes.
Many will have never known the loss personally but will join in hearts and in feeling and that will transform through the Universal Energy and be felt by those who are finding ways to heal from within.
In October of 1988 Ronald Reagan proclaimed October as 
National Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month.
Moms, Dads, Grandparents, Siblings, extended families and friends
had a name, a moment, a time to gather
and their grief was sanctioned.
Just as this day,
this night
folks will gather
they will remember their babies and share dreams, stories, pain relived
hopefully faith will be restored while they are embraced by spirit by oneness and by 
as angels gather and little ones are playing in clouds with the Creator
and it will be healing.
I send prayers up
to special spirits to the parents,
To Rowena and Chris
to baby Robin, to baby Janice, to the little one who visits on the back of the dolphin, to Amir, to so many others
offer hope in healing ways
as the candles will be lit
I ask you to join me
as we remember
those babies
gone too soon.
For more information, please visit
Walk in beauty

1 comment:

fluff said...

Thank you Dr. Sherry for your compassion and support for those who grieve for such a loss. I pray that those who have suffered the loss of a child, unborn or born, will be comforted by this acknowledgement and love.

Wishing you, and all who pass by here, a wondeful and peaceful Monday. /Sandy♥