Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Oh the holidays can leave ya tinseled tangled and upside down!

It's the most wonderful time of the year... and this time of the year has us running, doing, from here to there and round and round. Feelings are moving into that high stress zone, weather has dipped along with emotions for so many. It's the holiday season where joys run and emotions run and both crisscross at times so often the tinsel gets tangled with nerves creating one mell of a hess.  As people find more people, more things to do than days to do them in, things and stuff feel upside down just about the same time as the temperatures plummet into the snow lands we *(I)* am hearing about across the lands. We also hear the annual debates of Christmas vs. Holidays in the correct greetings, now taken to the White House in the "calling of the National Tree".

Yep, things get twisted, lit up, turned around an often even words turned around and upside down. Remember those wonderful upside down pineapple cakes? Upside down is not always such a bad thing, it took creativity to come up with that and it turned out just yummy!

 Sometimes it may help to take a breath, to remember the intent is in the magic of the holidays, the kindness in the love that surrounds us where we are, with what we are, who we are, the meaning of the spirit and the moments we share. Humor in the holidays can't be beat... B R E A T h E.

Look for the creative humor that resides within that light of yours that burns brightly as you move through the days ahead.  Get creative in the decorating, the moments of Christmas, of the upcoming Winter Solstice.

Maybe next year I will just decorate it all upside down. Maybe this year those in the winter lands making those snowmen/women will get creative and put them on their heads for kicks and hollers! Maybe just maybe they can do that right out on the front, or near a street where others drive by with a sign saying, "don't take yourself so seriously, It's Christmas!" I think it would be awesome!

 I've heard kids have been out of school, sleds have gotten their first use... parents have started the "pace of woe me,please let the school be open today" and it's not even the first day of Winter... I'm seeing fabulous pictures of decorations those trees being put up in homes across the world, the age old frustration of getting the lights out, testing them seeing that they work... and then as they get put on the tree, SNAP... they just go dark! Yep, it's the holidays those magical Hallmark moments that there are seldom words for... The preparations, the emotions, the anticipation, the dreams, the traditions... new and old and remembered.

Oh yea, it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas.  The hustle and bustle, the blues and sads, the how will I ever and wonder what little Johnny and Mom want that is special wonderings.  The horrible pain of grief that is somehow harder and more profound anticipating the holidays and the empty space once so full. So many going through so much, so many going through battles alone. So much happening, so much to do, to think about, to get done. Many are moving in snow and ice, praying for a new beginning, closing a door so that another may open... many finding the courage to do what they must.
Some embracing what is theirs to do what they can with others choosing to laugh, to honor to jump for sheer joy just cos' they can.
It's tinsel time upside down or right side up.
B R E A T H E ....
Just maybe next year, I'll try this. Maybe this year for many it feels or is like this... 

 Wishing you a day that is more than you thought it would be, more than you imagine, more than you hoped... Here's to creativity on this Wacky Wednesday. Walk your path, fa la la la la

Walk in beauty,


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