Sunday, December 20, 2009



OK, hurry ... wake up everyone, we've got to go and get the tree!  NO NO NO, no time for breakfast, no time for pool... c'mon we gotta go get the tree ~~~ all the good ones will be gone!  HURRY

Well, no one in my tribe hurries, that is one thing about us Indian folk... we sorta just go with the flow on that one... we try to get moving but usually it is on our own time!  But today we will do our best to move it along as it is a "first", a new tradition of sorts!  This will be the first real tree since living in FL, mostly brought about because of the rapid fire of Healing Heartaches and not being able to have the house and tree decorated before the tribe's arrival!

And of course you add to that ... the Godson's are now 15 and 8... so, I was thinking this would be a great rite of passage for them as well! Have them pick out the tree and then get the honor of decorating it for "The Godmother and Elders"! heehe

This is going to be so much fun and I might just have a Black Russian and some good Christmas music to entertain and delight my senses even more as I watch the evenings events play out. Last years tree was just wonderful and provided us with hours, days, and more than a month of wonderment, peace and harmony... I just love the twinkly lights and the colors. I can gaze and get lost in the thoughts, memories and prayers of amazing grace for the longest time.  Holding cherished moments of my personal and professional life, while giving thanks for each one.

So ... for today

  • It is the 354th day of the year~ YOU are a survivor!
  • On this day oh so many moons ago, 1606, The VA Company loaded three ships and set sails with settlers to establish Jamestown!  eeeegad what a mess!
  • I would rather think about the tree!
  • Try to embrace the many blessings!
  • Music is balm for the soul!
  • Give a gift in honor or memory of a loved one or someone you respect greatly!
  • Take a healing walk
  • Find a creative outlet!
  • If faith is important to you, participate in a holiday service or gathering!
  • Write a letter/poem... Writing is a powerful tool!

These are all tools to put carefully in your personal tool-kit; use that which is helpful and just toss out the rest!

Walk In Beauty!

Gotta go get a tree!!!

author of Healing Heartaches, Stories of Loss and Life
order your autographed copies, be sure to indicate in "buyers instructions, how you want me to sign yours!"

1 comment:

Angie said...

Can't wait to see pics of the "Real Tree!" Sure wish I was there to help w/the new tradition....I miss you all and I hope you are having a wonderful time.... Luv to all~~