Wednesday, July 4, 2012


From Sea to Shining Sea
wishing you a beautiful 4th as we
celebrate America
Knowing that as today
while we celebrate, fire up our grills,
play and remember to pray
our soldiers 
Have our BACKS
fly your flags
and stand
for our sweet America.
Thank YOU
Be safe out there
ohhh protect those children and 4 leggeds from the grand noises
that are sure to fill their ears
as the colors light up the skies
tonight with the fireworks
 Enjoy, drink responsibly
the precious lives you save may be your own, or a loved one of mine or a friend you have yet to meet!
We together are so much more
than we are apart,
Stand in UNITY for
our beloved America
 while taking the time
to play, pray, remember
those who have served and are serving to keep all of us free and safe.
 Thank YOU
I hope yours is a marvelous
Prayers surrounding our Ali whose dad crossed to the other side yesterday; and her little son has his birthday today.
A day of painful loveliness and one it seems that her Dad made sure that was free from the pain of his passing for that grandson.
Walk in Beauty dear hearts,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey doc! Happy 4th to you and thank you for sharing Ray Charles. No better music for this sparkly day! Awesome photos too.