Thursday, April 15, 2010

All You Have To Do Is COME AS YOU ARE ~

At The End Of The Day
Your Best Will Have Been
Just Bring It

Coffee in hand, bags packed, four-leggeds on my lap behind my back, and at my feet... They know something is up ~ They saw the packed bag, they feel the energy in the air... UH OH... no lively chatter this morning, no romps around the pool, they are stickin like glue... eyes shining and alert to each movement... Ah great, lay the ole four-legged guilt trip on me, go ahead, crawl in the suitcase... LOL

Almost time to fly ... to see my Joan and precious Olivia... to watch with wonder as she takes the soccer field in her most competitive way ~ To go and see the Cherry Blossoms and S T O M P all over DC in all its wonder ~

Wow, it's been a long time ~ Time to see all those wonderful friends, to watch as they visit and "come as they are" to break bread together, to catch up . . . and to just "BE" once again...

"I've come to believe that all my past failure and frustrations were actually laying the foundation for the understandings that have created the new level of living I now enjoy" {Anthony Robbins} I so look forward to hearing of the foundations that old friends have built on for their lives and to share mine...

All we ever has to do is "come as we are", to bring forth with integrity and honor our best selves, with an understanding of compassionate caring and listening... Life will take care of the rest ~ compassionate listening is more than anyone will ever hope to receive I think.

When I am not talking I have been said to listen quite well!

A sunrise with someone you love... stretched into minutes of wonder, amusement, laughter... topped off by a brilliant sunset... Giving the day the best you know, the best that you have to give, now I cannot imagine a better day than that~ Where are you going to do for you?

"The world  has the habit of making room for the man/woman whose words and actions show that he knows where he is going" { Napoleon Hill}

Where are you going today? If only in your minds eye, where will it be? A journey perhaps of times spent and folks and talks had... plans being laid of those special times yet to come... Who can you call and say this to:
"All you have to do is COME AS YOU ARE"

Come as you are; I'll listen to you
Come as you are; I'll take care of you
Come as you are; I'll cry with you
Come as you are; I'll laugh with you
Come as you are; I'll play with you
Come as you are; I'll be amazed with you
Come as you are; I'll STOMP WITH YOU
Come as you are; I'll Celebrate YOU
Come as you are; I'll honor you
Come as you are; All you have to do is
                                                            COME AS YOU ARE

So there you go, it's a beautiful Thursday, my thoughts are racing and now I must get a reign on them and do some serious four-legged lovin before heading out the door... Double check the luggage that no one slipped in while lost here on this page!

The fire is burning with hot hot embers of HOPE in healing, strength in the battles to those we hold in prayer, in thoughts... May the wind find you knowing that you are with powerful warriors always, and in the arms of the angels today... finding comfort in their messages, finding tenderness in their presence beside and with you always.

Wherever you are and whatever you are doing... make it your best, to allow you to watch the brilliance of the sunset without regret of a day wasted or not lived to the fullest right here and right now!

"HOTCHA-YOU" know-ho

Walk In Beauty,

author of
Healing Heartaches, Stories of Loss and Life
available autographed at
or at
Amazon, Borders or


Anonymous said...

Dr. Ses, have a wonderful DC day, enjoy the cherry blooms and the wonderful people in your life. Come as you are and see old friends of long ago and meet new friends. Olivia and Joan are probably running around watching for Nana. Hold them dear for all of us. Good luck and best wishes for the Conference and to see the friends of years gone by. Enjoy the day and most of all LAUGH, STOMP, AND HAVE FUN.

Anonymous said...

All of FL will miss you, but DC will be turned on it's head. Hope the Conference is wonderful, the viists plentiful, the food good and the cherry blossoms amazing. Thanks for the message that we all" come as we are". We are each already enough, as you remind us with your warm and caring thoughts daily. Thanks doc.