Monday, April 12, 2010


Thirsty thoughts on Monday
Lavender, Yellow, Orange,Green

Bright and sunny Monday morning... Joe G dancing on someones desk brings a smile to my face this morning waitin' on the sun to shine... HOPE you are all planning to
                OUTSHINE THE SUN TODAY

Mother Earth is waking up... and giving birth to so many wonderful new things! Have you noticed the flowers, the smells, the new beginnings of each moment around you ~ ~ ~

The blooms, and in Virginia the redbuds I bet are beginning to color the woods as well. Here the cardinals and the butterfly's are letting us know ~ "Here I am! Look at me in my wicked cool beauty, my grace and splendor"!

Dew is on the sweet smelling hyacinths, the hibiscus, the jasmine... the birds are returning in all their glory chirping their songs of spring and new beginnings are in the air, and in the steps of many we see out there each day...

S T O M P and say "YES" to your day! OWN it and walk with your head held high ~

Notice the way it makes you feel... honor your loved ones memories, you are the legacy, you are the one who gets this day... to notice and to appreciate the beauty that is given in this day.

Oh, but the breath of spring, the promise and the HOPE for warmth and beauty, a time to restore balance and harmony.

It may just be that humans forget at times... it may be that during times of winter, times of sadness, worry, grief and that times when the earth sleeps; humans just forget that life does go on; growing and reaching, spreading and transforming ... until just at the right moment ... And then it reveals itself in glorious colors and shapes and BALANCE is right there again... if we just wake up, STOMP, remind ourselves that we are AWAKE, ALIVE, HERE, RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW....

It wasn't so long ago that everything seemed brown, sort of colorless in fact... colder and darker the dark months.

BUT NOW... the light ... we have the light ... the colors are brilliant . . . and the very air is tinted with the color of the new leaves, yet different than ever before (although the pollen from the dang Oak trees here in FL is rough on everyone) LOL

New beginnings, brilliant colors...
NOW we walk a different path, often taking the time to notice that which we haven't had the time, or not taken the time to notice before!

We are growing not unlike the new sprouts, new and beautiful flowers... Many are healing, many are fighting for survival; learning to thrive maybe for the first time in their lives ~ Just as the glorious colors that surround us!

The Indian will say, "Welcome  Mother Earth teach me renewal as the seed rises in spring"

The journey taken on this page may take others to places never imagined some days... and many reflect that in their thoughts and comments to be certain, we all do fun work, hard work, many miles are traveled, seasons change, but spring ah, the beauty of spring... the sights, the smells the wonder of newness in spring... just as work is done by the two-leggeds, the four-leggeds, the winged ones, the swimming ones, and all of creation... so it it is good, we can see the results with our eyes and our hearts...  Life does go on, and we are blessed by our experiences as we restore the balance in our world and the world around us ~

I keep the embers hot in the fire for so many, and send thoughts of healing energy to those who know who they are... names are not needed today! You know you are on this page, and in the hearts of so very many, you feel them with you always, warriors all! Powerful indeed, arms of angels near and far, but always beside you... Know you are not alone.

Wherever you are, whatever you are up to on this day... STOMP, STOP, LOOK AROUND... beauty will be found, you only have to look...

Walk In Beauty,

Healing Heartaches, Stories of Loss and Life
available at:
also at: Amazon, Borders, and


Anonymous said...

It's a beautiful mornin.. Following a fabulous weekend of sunshine, and water, perfect clouds, birds, and the SMELL of Spring.It does not get any better than this. Hope this day starts everyone's week off BIG and BRIGHT AND BEAUTIFUL. STOMP STOMP STOMP STOMP STOMP....

Irene said...

April happens to be THE best month for me.
Florida blooms in all it's glory, all the
fragrances, budding, blue-ness, crispness,
clarity, newness, beauty and MORE !
B R E A T H E , S T O M P, S I N G
Happy Monday to all. Eye-Scream !

Anonymous said...

Monday is not usually my favorite day....
Today I will change that... new week, new attitude, bight outlook to match the sunshine...
STOMP , STOMP... INTO SPRING.. what a wonderful inspiration.if the pollen would leave us alone I would have a perfect day !
THANKS for the " colorful as a butterfly " read today !

Anonymous said...

I have quit smoking as of today..
I will breathe healthier..........
The fresh fragrance of spring......
I will be successful in my efforts...
I will not THIS TIME......
I will not fail....
I will not be cranky... LOL !!!!
thanks for the insiration today !!!