Monday, November 18, 2013

Pepples in my pocket, sand on my feet

There comes a time when we need to embrace the now, the realization that sometimes it is the pebbles in our pockets, the sand on our feet that nurtures our very being. That being said as the cold months are finding their way to us; the devastation of tornadoes that have left many in shock in Illinois, Ohio, and surrounding areas, we extend our greatest thoughts and prayers today. May they find the strength to stand strong as they regain their balance with the help of their brothers and sisters around their regions.
Prayers going strong from here to there and all around for those in need.

Pebbles, shells in a pocket will give an opportunity to quiet the mind, to reflect on the beauty that is always within the hands reach. Standing with your feet in the sand reminds you of the ever shifting landscape, the importance of core strength, balance in all things important, in the very choices that are being made 24/7.  Whether in sand, on land, on the Creators earth... that core strength must be attended to, it must be fed, nurtured, and often it must be re balanced in order to be at its finest.

May you stand strong today, may you sit tall, stretch into your week with all that you have within you to be more than you imagined yesterday.

May you find all that you need for gratitude, kindness, awesomeness that lives within you during the storms, in the morning light and the darkest of nights.

May you know you are never alone.

Today's motivational moment as I hold the pebbles while standing in the sand reflecting on the moment of wonder here in this day.

Walk in Beauty,
author of
Down The Hallway
Healing Heartaches
Chronic Pain Hand in Hand with John Argent

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