Wednesday, October 20, 2010

What a wonderful View

Fall in CT
Looking out
from Diana Burgess
home window~

Good mornin, mornin~
As I sit and admire the darkness of morning with coffee smellin great in my favorite cup this morning... I'm thinking of how remarkable the quiet is.
I asked for a lovely photo for fall,
and Diana sent this one to me!
She's one of Lily The Black Bears' fans on
and says this is what she sees out her window.
Quite a remarkable view isn't it.

What is your favorite view out your window?
and then:
What is your favorite view from your
minds' eye, or the window of your soul?

Those are the two questions for today's page!

Soon the leaves that were green will turn to browns, after the splendid reds and golds and hues of in between colors.
Rakes will come out, little ones will run and play and jump in them.
The sounds will crunch under feet, and
folks will be out and raking up piles and piles of them.
little kids and the kid in the big kids will eye ball them and wait til the mound is just right and then make their move!
Running with joy to jump right in there and have a ball!
Oh how that evokes memories!
I can remember those days of burning piles of leaves, and their wonderful smells,
nothing quite like it.
Even had Granny with a rake in her hand and she was probably 80 then!
We got a great laugh about that,
not many leaves got raked, but it was just the
idea of it!
The crispness in the air, the colors of fall
and those mums that gardeners go out and buy and plant by the dozens.
I can remember pullin in the driveway once and the entire yard was filled with pots of mums;
every color you can imagine!
An early birthday gift for me to plant at my home; boy oh boy was I ever tickled.
My tickled got worn off after about the 7th hole was dug if memory serves me right ~
Fall in all its wonder.
Diana Burgess sure does have a beauty to look at from her window as she watches those spectacular colors change now.
as we go from the joy of the many colors,
it reminds me of the dark months coming,
when the colors will fade to brown
and fall from the trees,
the bareness that will soon be here
as all living things will go to den,
to hibernate for the winter
to restore
to rest
It is also a time
that the fields and the leaves will turn brown
their season their time now done, now finished.

IN a way we'll be glad it's over,
in another way it turns me inside out...

Celebrate the beauty of this fall,
the colors that surround you.
Examine the beauty closely, each leaf; each moment of the suns' rays and cloud formations.
Savor it like a fine wine,
enjoy each breath
take your time.

They hold remarkable gifts, memories and fondness of conversations had, to be had or memories in the making.

The fire is burning brightly this morning, the embers are sparking and hot.
Thoughts on the wind to all mentioned in the prayer circle, and those who know who they are. Holding you UP.
Blessings to all who visit here, gentle warriors all, with HOPE
great gratitude to all!

Walk IN Beauty,
That is the HOPE in
Healing Heartaches


Anonymous said...

I too rememberthebeautifulchangingcolorsoffall, and not sofondly the cold that follows. I once saw an ice stormin GA where every branch was icedover on all the fruit trees.Eachsparkledinthe sun.It was a sight I will never forget.So even with winter approaching, itis worth every change. Nature is amazing in all it's changing glory.
Junp the hunp day folks!Enjoy!

EVB said...

Diana has a beautiful view. I watched the video link, that's some beautiful harmony going on there. Now the song is in my head, until something comes along to bump it out :)

Irene M said...

My view is a wonderful big sky, tops of very old, large trees, blue water tower in the distance where the local green quaker parrots nest, live and just squawk away. Bunnies on the grass, butterflies around, blue jays, storks, egrits, squirrels, nature at it's best
NOW, for the " other " view from my mind's eye
Will have to really think that one over, never did well with questions, answers or being asked " how do you REALLY " feel. Just me...
Irene remains evasive, but FIRM ?

Anonymous said...

I was awakened by the rain on the sky light pounding down and I guess it was time to get up. I look out my window and see the cool crisp rain, the leaves falling off the dog wood trees. I feel the coolness in my bones. The favorite view from my minds eye would be a dont want the cold to come so quickly, I want warm weather and sunshine. The window of my soul is looking for a way to understand more of life and the living part of life. It is a strange feeling and something I have to work on as a person. I listened to the Seldom Scene and frankly I could sit here all day and listen to them, what great memories they bring back to me. I used to go see them quiet often at a little resturant in Northern Virginia and in Washington. I had to also listen to the Fields Have Turned Brown, that one brought tears to my eyes as it was my brothers favorite, I can see him now dancing in the heavens with that song and Fox on the Run. Also looking at the Country Gentlemen, he was my neighbor Charlie Waller or Walker I have forgotten. They have all passed except the Seldom Scene and I just read something about them recently. Gotta go and keep these memories alive, will have to pull out old tapes and records. Our leaves are not as pretty this year. The Almanac I hear calls for lots of snow. Oh no. Have a wonderful day and hope for a good Doctor report for me today. Blessings

Anonymous said...

it's me, pondering the 2 questions.
hmmm...easy answer on the first.. each day my view outside the window is full of the
awesome blue sky and gorgeous sun, on the
days of rain, I am very grateful to know it
won't be long before the sky is blue and bright, filled with hope and bright spirit..
the view from my soul, usually manages to
bring me visions of the people I love and
the peace of knowing that love lives forever..
also the view I behold is that of a
wonderment and subtle sadness of all that has been....
Angels in my heart today,
hugging my memories closely,
sign me,

Anonymous said...

Hi's me, Diana Burgess! Thank you for sharing "my window view photo" on your website ! THIS is a beautiful website and I'll be sure to visit again ! **
You've seen the view from my front window, but the view of my backyard is even more exciting, as that is where our fish pond is, and all our bird feeders! **
I "try" to keep the view from my mind's eye bathed in the colors of the rainbow .. it helps to keep me "in balance".. and helps me to see things in a more positive way ! **
Sending you, and those who visit here, Happy Thoughts ! Ü