Tuesday, November 10, 2009

~Some thoughts to Ponder on A Tuesday ~

Nana's Girl and a Lizard she named "Fred"

Sometimes it's the little things that bring us absolute joy! As was the case when Nana's girl visited Florida last year and discovered a lizard in the lanai... She boldly went where the Godson's dared not go, boldly picking up Mr. Lizard and exclaiming, "Oh Nana, look! I think I'll just name him Fred!" And she was ever so excited, so for the next hour or two (or maybe it was three), my girl sat and talked in remarkable detail about how thrilling it was to be with her Nana, her BunBun, the puppies and Mom, sitting in Florida; swimming in her own pool, drinking apple juice and holding her very own lizard named Fred!  It just doesn't get any better than that.
Fred is a fine looking lizard don't you think? haha
And I say to you friends... what a wonderful world. Not only in the eyes of a child. You see, it's all about digging deep, making choices; discovering your own wonderment through your own eyes.
It's about choosing to think, act, and do positive things even in the face of trauma and stress.

I guess it boils down to the idea that if you really want to get somewhere other than where you find yourself now, you have to have an idea of where it is that you want to go and how to get there! And once you do that... NEVER, AND I MEAN NEVER EVER EVER GIVE UP!!!
Why, just look at my girl... you should have seen her corner that lizard and talk him into friendship and the naming ceremony!

I believe now more than ever that the true secret to life is not in what happens to you along the journey but rather what you do with what happens to you along the way. Does that make sense?
I know it does give one something to ponder, doesn't it?

Remember this... everyone you know and those you don't are fighting a battle of some kind. They are dealing with something that to them is hard, is painful. Be kind to all people, be kind to yourself. Dance with the rhythm of life, you won't miss a beat if you put your oxygen mask on first and then extend your heart to others!

Walk In Beauty!

1 comment:

chris said...

a wise and good woman said to me once--see the beauty in life-walk in that life and embrace it!
Nana's girl is doing just that.