Saturday, August 21, 2010

Frustrations/Anger... Life's too short!

All can affect your nervous system
and your world, your peeps, your four-leggeds
short-circuiting everything!
Hello Saturday!
Where ya been?
Sun shining, flowers blooming... it's a beautiful day!

Thinking about outshining the sun today, yep

I've been thinking about how folks seem so frustrated these day... most recently frustrated and angry about talk of a mosque being built near the sacred and hallowed grounds of "ground zero" post 9/11. Just the other day I ask friends on Facebook to share their thoughts with me on my page: no political rants, but just their thoughts to this question:
Should a mosque be built near the hallowed ground of the terrorist attacks of 9/11? What are your thoughts?
All of a sudden the page "blew up" with the thoughts of many... comments came freely with only a couple that were of strong words of our government and country.
You could feel the frustration, the anger, the hurt and wounds that have yet to heal from a country that still hurts from the terrorist attacks of that day.
We are a proud Nation, one that will stand in the face of adversity, who believes strongly in protecting our men/women/children...
We Will UNITE and will will survive through times of uncertainty... on that I am certain.

Frustration breeds anger because when we are frustrated we feel powerless.
 Anger feeds rage and rage feels powerful.
So we choose anger. Is this really choosing personal power or are we burning our own hand with the hot coal we clutch with the intention of throwing it at our enemy?
Victor Frankl once said,
"That which is to give light must endure burning"

Two things a person should never get angry about, one, what he cannot change,
 the other; what he can change.

To effectively deal with frustration we must clearly evaluate the situation.

Not through anger and blaming, but through awareness.
Why are we frustrated?
How can we impact the change necessary to feel less powerless and more proactive?

If we really are powerless to impact change than we must know that harboring anger and rage, railing against that which we cannot change, changes us.
An angry heart erodes good will, diminishes love, scars the heart.

Get in touch with how anger “feels” in your body.
 Is this the feeling you want to keep? Don’t lodge the anger in your heart as it will eat at all that is good and loving in you.

"Everybody can get angry, that's easy. But getting angry at the right person, with the right intensity, at the right time, for the right reason and in the right way, that's hard." (attributed to Aristotle)

You know the old saying that when angry we should count to ten before we speak?
Well, if very angry, perhaps we should postpone speaking until reason returns.
Angry words cannot be unspoken.
What’s really behind the anger?
This we must know before we can even asses if our anger is worthy.

"Before you speak, ask yourself: Is it kind, is it necessary, is it true, does it improve on the silence?" Shirdi Sai Baba

Everybody feels anger from time to time. If we are angry and want to effect change in a situation, is expression of the anger going to get us to our destination are we just “blowing off steam”.
If it’s the “get it off your chest” stuff. Do it in private.
 Find a safe way to work it out on your own. Pound nails into a board, punch a pillow, you know, take a walk, exercise until you feel less

Pent up.
Then decide how to proceed.

If we allow the anger to be stuffed down inside, or rage at the wrong person, rail against a no-win situation we suffer for the choice.
 Perhaps, the most important anger management skill is to decide the goal in acting on the anger, then chart a course.
Let me use an example here.
 Let’s say a spouse disappointed us in some way. What do we want? We really desire that our spouse knows and cares that we are disappointed.
That our spouse will “hear us” and make a sincere effort to not repeat the offense.
So what are our choices?
 Rant and rave and call them an insensitive SOB. Be petty and look for some way to return the favor? Call them out in front of friends or family? Seethe until we blindside them by acting out our anger at the wrong time, with an unrelated event?
How many times have we tried some or all of these tactics without success?

What about acknowledging where the anger came from.

 Owning the feeling attached to the anger, frustration, disappointment etc.

Privately blowing off the steam until we feel reasonably calm and mature, then making a plan to address the issue.

 Perhaps a quiet conversation.

Use “I” messages like: I felt disappointed when you failed to…” or “I was hurt by your remark”. I promise you have a better chance at effecting change and letting yourself move past the anger to resolve if you share your feelings, rather than jump into attack mode.

This can translate into almost every situation that you are angry about.
Anger begets rage.
So garnering support form a sympathetic listener about your unresolved issue can “feel better” in the short run, but usually feeds irrational anger in the long term.
So we are responsible for knowing what “pushes our buttons.”
 Learn, or resurrect, what anger management skills we need, and employ them.

Two closing thoughts I’d like to share:
 one, how would my feelings be different if the object of my anger dropped dead before I finished being angry?
And two, will this anger serve me well or diminish me?

So, recognize anger when it surfaces.
Evaluate the reason.
Deal with it timely and effectively, then let it go. Don’t feed it, don’t harbor it.
Take full responsibility for your heart and mind.
"Bitterness is like cancer. It eats upon the host. BUT anger is like fire, it burns all clean" {Maya Angelou} I love me some Maya~
Be well spiritually.

Have a great weekend,
Walk In Beauty,

author of
Healing Heartaches, Stories of Loss and Life


Cathy Madden said...

Well, just getting up and at it. Soldier boy and wife arrived at 12:42 yesterday afternoon and I had to sprint down to the terminal. Ticketing at Delta had a line and I had to wait for them to give me my pass so I could go down to the gate. Then I got behind some idiot at the security that God bless him just didn't know what to do and had to be told everything. I don't travel often but I know the drill for sure. Good thing I've been walking and dancing lately cause of course the gate was the last one, always seems to be that way. Whew! Got there about 30 seconds before he came walking out and sure enough all eyes were on the Mother and child reunion. We got there bag and the first stop was a burger place down here in Texas called Whataburger. Soldier boy got on his new fandangled phone and found one close and of course it navagated us right there. Technology can be a great thing. Funny though, I don't think I've cooked anything yet. They wanted to order Chinese for dinner last night and went to another Texas place this morning Shipley's for Kolaches. I told him our spending on food out need to be curtailed somewhat but you know these are all his favorite places to eat in Texas.

You talk today about us being a proud Nation. Well, I don't think there is anyone living down here in Texas that cound be prouder of being a Texan. We are all eat up with that pride. We even have bumper stickers down here that say, "I was born here but I got here as fast as I could."

About the anger issue. I spent a lot of my youth and middle years being angry about this and that. I don't give in to that as much as I did earlier on. What I had to learn is that if I really loved that person there were some things I just needed to let go. If I couldn't then I did have to cool down and learn to talk to them in that "I" scenario. It worked sometimes and others not so much.

Have a great weekend and I will catch up with you on Monday.

Anonymous said...

I am with you on "where is the sun"o love the rain and thunder, something
about it soothes my soul, and it smells so
great !
Anger issues ? Ha, that's a good one !
I am a "whateva" kind of peep, don,t
much like confrontation or angry verbal
play.... We surely can self destruct being
angry... especially over things we can't
control ... we have the right to blow off
steam, I vent privately.. most of the time,
I have "lost " it on occasion and find I'm
only embarassed by my actions.. don;t like
when I let things get the best of me...
SO, I hope eveyone enjoys thei weekend,
rain or sun..
May the Angels bring rainbows to
our hearts.... sign me,
A.... purple noodle stays in the
trunk today !!

Chris said...

Hi Everyone-regarding the Facebook question-well I can't help thinking back on history-we as a nation have always allowed religious freedom. I feel like there is a lot of seething anger out there. Let me ask you a question...Do you blame all Catholics for what some priests have done? How about the Methodist minister who murders a whole bunch of people-do you blame all the Methodists? I could go on and on regarding this theme but I'm sure you get the idea. The Mosque is not on ground Zero but a couple blocks away and you won't be able to see the area from the mosque. So what exactly is the fuss-the Muslim's who practice their religion here are not the ones who did the horrible deed. The (@#$%%) who did live not on our land but in their hell, where they need to stay. As Forest Gump would say, that's all I to say about that!
Hope you have a weekend full of peace....

Anonymous said...

Nothin constructive to add to this conversation. No good comes from angry words spoken. I have a whole bag of tricks for managing anger. Mostly apathy. Few things get my blood boiling except ignorance, religious fanaticism, politicians and taxes. Easy targets all. Much prefer doc's "no pressure zone"". Saturday night and this party animal is longing for a nap... Enjoy the weekend folks, come rain or shine.