Saturday, August 14, 2010

HOW to Balance Body Mind Spirit ~

Godson #1 16 being serenaded
by COB/MOM on his Birthday

Blame it on the pain medications for the leg? OR
Just call it COB being COB!
She was once again a "hit" when her dinner was delivered on Godson's birthday as they arrived expecting to find her in her chair with her leg in the air wrapped in a blanket looking "pitiful"!
OH ~MY ~ and  NO she does NOT play the guitar
but she was singing and strumming
and a great laugh was had by all!

Going to be a hot one in Florida today folks!
The four-leggeds are running NAScAR already!
Coffee great! But already thinking of hitting the pool.

WOW... thanks for all the thoughts of yesterday! They were wonderful I tell ya! What a wonderful page of Warriors that visit and jump in here ~ I just love that about this page of Warriors... Always here... always ready to answer the call, the wonders of the wireless connection...
Great, fabulous, tremendous... creative thinkers and absolutely tremendous suggestions/thoughts and networking too!  Keep the ideas coming... we are not finished with this .... we've only just begun!  send those folks in MD, PA, NJ, CT, NY to Joan!!!
AND... keep those ideas, thoughts and suggestions coming right here on this page as well!
Joan did answer some if not all of you yesterday if you would like to look back to the comments of yesterday, and I know she was thrilled to read all of your thoughts; and more than over the moon at those of you who were going to contact friends and families "UP North for her"!!! Bravo!!!

Yesterday was the day that showed and reminds me of what Warriors do... WE STOMP... for and about ideas and thoughts and dreams for and about each other and our hopes...
We think creatively and "out of the box", we use our brains and our hearts... we "reach out"...
and we have fun in the process!

In doing so we find the balance of each other and ourselves; connecting body, mind, spirit in ways we are not even aware of at the time.
It is in the giving without reserve that we receive... Tell two, who tell two, who pay it forward again... who knows they may end up here ... they may begin to comment here the community here grows... at some point they may need us to add them in thoughts/prayers ... they may lose a loved one and benefit from thoughts that have been written in prior posts on loss/grief/hope and healing... along with humor... along with today's thoughts on balance...
and the circle continues...
new relations are formed all over the globe...
and the grid is greener for generations to come... and we are all connected once again....

oh lord am I on a roll already this early in the morning...

Remember we still want your ideas of how to tell folks about making the switch to Viridian to go green and change up... tell your pals up North to check it out, and comment with your ideas about today!

Let's see...where was I... ahhhh yes...
balance... that's what I'm talking about ... balance, such a beautiful thing!
In sports, in dance, in climbing ladders and dancing on the roof, holding a cello/a violin/ in work/play/and most things...

 Balance is important in our lives.... finding the center of that Medicine wheel is difficult for many: mind-body-spirit...  visualize it as a circle with the line drawn in the four directions and your heart in the very center of the middle... right there in the middle... now that's balance my friends... right at the heart of the four directions!

Is it sometimes a difficult task to strike the right balance?
 All work, no play, emotional ups and downs, physical health up and down, torn between self-empowered and powerless?

Yep, that’s the stuff life is made of.
The ever changing landscape we live on and in.

So how can we find the middle ground and stay there?
Or, would we if we could?

Would we really appreciate the highs, the best days if they were not contrasted with darker hours, and awful moments?

We do compare today to better and worse times.
It is about perspective; OUR PERSPECTIVE really...
So to know joy means we must have experienced sadness.
To recognize our own strength we must have known weakness or at least identified it is those we have observed.
 Is it easier to see this lack of balance in others than it is to know when we are ourselves out of balance.
Of course I hate to admit that we are all sometimes blind to our own circumstances.
Yet, this is where we should have the clearest focus.

We should own our own happiness.
 We should be astute enough to recognize it when we are over worked, or distressed.
 Our sub-conscience gives us physical cues all the time.
 How can we miss them?

Partly we do this because we are not always mindful of the impact others have on us.
 The demands of family life, work, finances, etc. We are often so busy meeting the challenges of everyday schedules that we do not put our own well being on the top of the list of “to-dos”. When we are out of sync little tasks become overwhelming.
We might misread conversations, misinterpret the meaning behind things.
We may sometimes set ourselves up for frustration, angst, exhaustion, illness and depression. That long, hot soak we just couldn’t make time for, too many fast food- grab on the run meals bogging us down.
 One chore left undone lending itself to a cascade of unintended consequences.
Where to begin?
 Do we focus on the needed doings or the human behind the tasks?
I venture that if we forget the human in the equation, the rest of it will continue to smother us.
When we are well rested, well nourished, relaxed and focused we can accomplish all that we must, and more.

When any one area of our life is out of balance it is contagious.
 First one thing than the next.
 We feel overwhelmed because we are tired. We are grouchy and have a short fuse because we are overwhelmed.
Because we are tired, overwhelmed, grouchy and lack patience we snap at people who snap back.
Now we can add hurt feelings to the mix.
Just when we could use a helping hand we have snapped off all the attached heads and we are standing alone in our moment of need.
Sound familiar?

So back to the task of recognizing when things first begin to circle the drain.
What do we need?
Rest, relaxation, organization, tenderness, flying monkeys?
Should we delegate, ask sooner for assistance? Should we chuck it all and grab a much needed time-out for ourselves?
Yes to all of the options.
Pick one, anyone
There are all better than the alternative.

It begins with self awareness.
 Not just how we impact those around us, but how ready and able in this moment to tackle it? If we need rest, it is worth taking the time now to be better prepared tomorrow.
If we need help and allow ourselves to feel that we are less for the asking, we should revisit that mindset.
No shame in meeting our own needs.
We give life to the momentum that carries us through our day.
Are we seeking quality or quantity here?

I, for one will sacrifice quantity for quality anytime.
 When I am at my best, my mind, body and spirit work well together.
 Let one go and they will all trail after one another until I am so far from my path I need a compass and a map.
I try to assess and reassess my needs as I go along.
 My wants travel in a side-car.
 My needs come first.
 So be aware of the needs.
 Be sure of the balance you strike.
 Make the balance important in your life. Recognize when you are physically, mentally, spiritually out of whack and take steps to pull it back.
 Small repairs and adjustments are easiest when we do the maintenance regularly.
 Life balance left unattended eventually leads to the ole crash and burn.

So let us be mindful of balance and harmony in our lives.
Let us seek to establish the balance, or restore the balance.
We are resilient.
We care about others, so we must take the time, and make the time for self-care.
 I find a few quiet moments of reflection is sometimes all it takes to find my balance.
 A quick assessment of how my body feels, how light my heart feels, helps.
A glance in the mirror, am I smiling or is that bull-dog face set in stone, staring back at me.
 I am clearly not talking about a full blown life-review here.
Just a frequent check on my own emotional, mental and spiritual pulse.
Might I add that the old body often requires more attention, over a longer time to keep it well oiled and fine tuned, but that is a work in progress ~

The fire is burning brightly with thoughts on the wind for all being thought of this morning ... hugs on the gentle breezes... you know who you are... your names are etched in my memories as they are often written here...
STOMP Warriors... I look forward to reading your thoughts today!

Walk In Beauty,
author of
Healing Heartaches, Stories of Loss and Life


Anonymous said...

Good Morning, I cant believe that is your Mom/COB, she is so beautiful and I love the streaks in her hair. I think I have seen this lady on the stage with that handsome hunk of a man by her side. That young man looks like a performer and I am sure I have seen them on the stage. Where did you say they were from and I know that handsome hunk is more than 16. They make a great couple. If any of you find out where they perform please let Dr. SES know so she can share with all of us. Great blog today and always

Irene M said...

Morning all ! I am STILL cracking up at the
"flying monkeys " inserted in the serious topic
Balance, ah, yes, it's all about balance.
I have been off balance for a week now and don't like it at all. Today, is better, different, happier, HOTTER.... lol
Enjoy your weekend everyone !!!!
Melted IceScream

Anonymous said...

WOW! Flying monkies too! Waht a great message.
Still mulling over some ideas on Veridian for Joan. Will pass them along as we go. Thanks for sharing this mornigs buzz with us. How fast can you type doc? Wonderful weekend to all.

Anonymous said...

Doc can definitely type alot faster
than I...loved today's wisdom on
balance... for sure I can relate to being
out of sync, out of whack...whateva...
Call it what you will , we all need a bit
of imbalance now and then to remind us of
how important it is to fine tune our coping
skills, re- assess our priorities which gives
us the power to control ourselves and move
forward to the "happy place " of inner
A bit of chaos can be productive, if we
don't let it overwhelm us... just saying...
Bring on the flying monkeys !!! I could always
use an extra set of hands and a pair of wings...
I will GO GREEN today... NO !! washer, dryer, vacuum, or anything else that burns unnecessary
energy, including my own !!
Wonderment filled weekend to all,
Angels flying in you spirit !
sign me,

Anonymous said...


Chris said...

I have been off balance for several months now--but I am seeing the light at the end and balance will be restored!! It's just so un-nerving to be off balance--so I took matters into my own hands. So things will be bettr real soon! can't hardly wait.
Doc--flying monkeys? what a crazy sense of humor! Have a great weekend everyone.