Sunday, March 28, 2010


Beauty on A Sunday
Takes My Breath Away


Sunday morning finds me being serenaded by the birds; they are announcing the wonderment of spring; a time of new beginnings; joy, happiness and they are quite vocal this early morning indeed! The cardinal kids are here already; a welcomed sight to behold this morning!

It is in receiving them that I think of all the many gifts we can give away so freely along with the unwanted thoughts and feelings we can also free ourselves of as well ~

Give the gift of smiles, of kindness to the universe. The return on the investment is unbelievable. Don’t do it because you will personally reap the rewards.
Do it simply and purely because you can contribute joy and lightness by a simple kind word, a genuine smile, and a kind deed or thought.

I look about and see so many long sad faces as I move about the community. People are burdened by their own personal problems. Weighed down with worries or struggles, some heavy hearted, and often unaware that these sentiments are worn so clearly on their faces.

And in the next move I turn and think of all the thoughts, prayers and Angels that have embraced Chris as she prepared and put on her Warpaint for a double mastectomy, has stood tall to fight the fight against Breast Cancer, with so many including those she does not know, those who are rallying beside her as Warriors ... providing her with the fight, the strength in prayer and thought as she now begins the healing journey to wholeness as she faces the coming days. I am reminded of the resiliency of the human spirit ~ and I smile and give thanks ~ And So It Is!

Joy is contagious, smiles are infectious. So….

Let’s infect others with the joy we each have inside of us. Long ago, I used to teach a group of troubled youth that I worked with the practice of “Act As If”.
Let me explain the concept as I used it so long ago ~

When the kids just HAD to act bored, or fuel each other aggravation, or turn on their teen angst, I would reinforce this “Act As If” practice.
Act as if you are happy.
Act as if you are enjoying this moment.
Now we're talking teens here... it would take awhile but then they would really get into it...

The AMAZING thing is; you will begin to really feel the way you are acting!
This is a quick and handy instrument for daily living. Feeling down? Depressed? Fake it.

Really, pretend you feel better.
Force yourself to smile. Know that "YOU ARE THE FORCE"
Stick with it.

Do not give into the desire to slump, or frown, or complain.

Make yourself stay in the posture of gladness, gratitude for the day, of joy.
 In a short time you will infect your self with the medicinal remedy that is right for you, if you choose to.
I know you are probably thinking, ”Yeah right”, like that is gonna work.
You’ll be pleasantly surprised. Or at least I think you will.

Remember that I believe in the old saying that practice makes perfect.

"It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare, it is because we do not dare that they are difficult" {Senecca}

It may take awhile before you get really good at it, but you will.

I believe in everyones' ability to change the moment, to step out of the "comfort zone".
Ever been in a really great mood and experience the reverse action. You are laughing and smiling, have a wonderful day and a gloomy soul walks into "your happy space/place and is rude, or hateful ... and you find yourself negatively affected?
Happens all the time if we let it, if we get swept up in the drama of it, become infected or affected by it ~ hard not to sometimes. Sometimes you may have to "just tune it out, shut it down, go for a walk)... sometimes you just have to ask for what you need, expect or demand. PLEASE STOP NOW.
Or... ever had,
Good day at work until your coworker starts grousing about your evil boss?
Drag you down?
Of course it will.
But only if you let others spread their misery.

No raining on the parade. YOU empower yourself, I AM THE FORCE... I AM HAVING AN OUTSTANDING DAY. Find your mantra, stick to it... Sing Michael Jackson's song, (or better yet, listen to him sing Man In The Mirror while YOU look in the Mirror and sing along... "I'm asking him to make a change... AND IT'S STARTIN WITH ME" Be that change... Take a Stand for YOU!  Be the change that Gandhi and other world leaders, motivational speakers inspired Michael and so many other great musicians to sing about.

Until you feel the joy, FAKE THE JOY. I promise you it worked with some pretty hard-core teens... and it will work for you and me...
Try on the feeling you want to have.
Stay with it in spite of all efforts on the part of others to drag you down and you will own the feeling.
You will elevate your own mood. Works every time. So, ACT AS IF, until you feel as if.
So let us create in our own space the joy we want. Pick the emotions you want to experience today.
Make this moment better.

Plaster that smile on your face. Give it away to everyone you make contact with.
I guarantee that if you keep at it, you will begin to experience return smiles. Money back if you are not satisfied! heehe

Your own mood will improve.

So today, give it away because you can.
Put yourself out there as bright and shining feel good spirit. You deserve a good day, no a GREAT day. Give it to yourself and share it with others. Own the feeling. Reflect the light. \\\ * ///
Be the light!
Outshine the sun~ Laugh at the rain if you happen to have on rain-boots find yourself a puddle to jump in today!

Pat yourself on the back for making this moment better for everyone you encounter, but first congratulate YOU for choosing to embrace this day!

Wherever you are and whatever you are doing blessings to you and those you love.

I continue to welcome your thoughts, your emails and your care for each other here ~

The fire is burning brightly ~ the embers are HOT ~ warm wishes to all on the winds ~ "whole lot"

Walk In Beauty,


Healing Heartaches also available at Amazon, Borders and Infinity Publishing


Unknown said...

Your blog is a joy to wake up to! Thanks Dr SES. It is a beautiful day. Here I was dreading going to the grocery store. Sooo will do an attitude adjustment and pack a smile on my face. Feeling better already. What was I thinking. No druggery for me, I'll make it my personal mission to "Act As If" it's a treat. I'm all over it. Better already! Hope everyone has a great day.
Chris you do not sound like a woman four days post op. You are an inspiration to all. Be glad you are in NY or I'd have you over to make MY bed this AM. Looking forward to you getting back home. Be good to you, cause you are good for us.

Irene said...

Oh, YES...... happy Sunday to all.
Digging down deep to put on a sunny smile, exchange that kind word at the store, etc.
It does work ! Changes everyone's mood, even
momentarily. CHRIS: you are an amazing, determined, focused woman. Sending wishes your way. Dr. SES: nice blog today, passed it on to those who need to read it, too.
Good day to all, rain or shine. Me

Anonymous said...

Outshine the sun? that is so Dr SES. What a powerful imagine that is. Love it. Fire burning brightly, embers are hot, think I'll put a steak on and add to that image the smell of a charcoal grill. You are the bomb. Love the blog and love this opportunity for another wonderful day.

Anonymous said...

I love the saying that it is not because it is difficult that we do not dare, it is because we do not dare that it is difficult. This makes me think about the "Leap and the Net Will Appear" blog. Sometimes it is hard to act as if you are happy whenyou are sad, but then it is really ahrd to be sad when others are really happy around you. Makes sense to me. I will try this on and see how it works. I am sharing this blog with my friends too.

CHRIS said...

i love this concept--"act as if" COOL--I think I have been doing that unconciously because I didn't want to freak out the two grandaughters--I now find that I like how it makes me feel....

Anonymous said...

HEY - this is exactly what Alcoholics Anonymous says. It is one of their slogans

Having a picnic today!
You all have a great day and have some fun
Please do not bash alcoholics or others in self-help groups.
A recovering alcoholic who could not have made it without AA and other such groups

Anonymous said...

Thank you all for the wonderful comments of today! Have the best day, outside and in... and the days to come have a wonderrful picnic to you above. Self help groups nor people have ever been "Bashed" by this blog spot creator or by us readers until we were provoked just so you know! but we are not going to rehash a dead issue

Make it YOUR DAY, and enjoy... best of all, thanks DRSES for creating and keeping the page going for all.

Anonymous said...

Better post a Code of Conduct, so we all know what is provoking.

Unknown said...

If you need a "code of conduct" that dosn't already exist between your ears, don't post anything. We are here to enjoy and support each other. To enjoy the blog, to learn form Dr SES and to celebrate our lives, ourselves, and those we know and care about. To be a force for good. Like minded spirits will join,others should look elsewhere. It's a big world out there.
Thsi blog is special and sacred to many. It is to me. I love that we keep it positive. We are a FORCE to be reckoned with!

Anonymous said...

it's like we r watching an ole cowboy and indian movie hell who wants to reckon with the indians
this is not inclusive

Vicki said...

Well said Dorothy, well said!
And with that...Happy Sunday to all!

Anonymous said...

this blog should be open to INVITED members only!
Clearly this blog caters to a very specific tribe, clan, group, segment of the population.
I found it by pressing the next blog key.
Others who happen to accidentially stumble upon it may really be confused.
Maybe that will solve your problem - a blog for invited members only
Hope you do not mind me mentioning this, just trying to help with your problem
Lots of Luck!

Anonymous said...

THIS BLOG IS NOT IN NEED OF GOING PRIVATE BUT THANKS AWAY FOR THE "ADVICE' we will welcome all of those souls with open hearts all who choose to share their positive thought and energy. those who can't see the light and the joy of the day.Thos of you who choose to live in darkness and self pity probably would not feel very comfortable here....Stomp...we are positve warriors.....peace and loving laughter..